WORKS (1974-present)
Mark Alburger
(New Music, Vacaville, CA)
Op. 1 Psalm 6 (1974) for oboe(s) (and high-hat cymbals)
Op. 2 Suite ("Sol[ar]") (1975) for oboe, piano, and percussion
Op. 3 Eccclesiastes, or The Preacher, (1975) for voice(s) and orchestra
Op. 4 Poems on Crane (1975) for mixed chorus (after Stephen Crane)
Op. 5 The Lord's Prayer (1975) for soloists, choir, and keyboard
Op. 6 Variations and Theme (1976) for keyboard
Op. 7 Interrupted Interludes (1977) for keyboard
Op. 8 The Twelve Fingers (1977) for keyboard
Op. 9 Psalm (92) for the Sabbath Day (1977) for voice and keyboard
Op. 10 Nocturnes for Insomniacs (1978) for violin and keyboard
Op. 11 Portraits of Three Players (1978) for flute and keyboard
Op. 12 Four Processions (1978) for string quintet
Op. 13 Three Places in America (For Four) (1978) for quartet
Op. 14 Seasons' Eves (1978) for double-reed (or harp) duet
Op. 15 Book (Prehistoric Atlas) (1979) for keyboard
Op. 16 Some Stuff (1979) for mixed quintet
Op. 17 Two and a Half Pieces (1979) for flute, 2 trombones, and tuba
Op. 18 Yellow River Concerto II (1979) for oboe and violin (percussion)
Op. 19 Academic Endeavors (1979) for keyboard and voice
Op. 20 Embedded Inventions (1979) for keyboard
Op. 21 Missa "The a deux" (1980) for voices and instruments
Op. 22 Duo Sonata No. 1 ("Hyphenated") (1981)
Op. 23 Sequence Music (1982) for a (piano) trio
Op. 24 Orpheus Cycle (1982) for voice and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 25 Stolen Students (1983) for keyboard
Op. 26 Sinfonietta (1984) for orchestra
Op. 27 Aerial Requiem (1985) for voices and instruments
Op. 28 Mary Variations (1985) for keyboard
Op. 29 Street Songs (1985) for voice and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 30 Merton Songs (1986) for voice and keyboard
Op. 31 Duo Sonata No. 2 ("Wasatch") (1986) for viola and percussion
Op. 32 Crystal Series (1987) for oboe(s) and keyboard
Op. 33 San Timoteo Can[yon]tata (1988) for voices and instruments
Op. 34 Songs for Rebecca (1988) for voice and keyboard
Op. 35 Missa California (1988) for voices and instruments
Op. 36 Lot in Life (1988) for voices and instruments (Genesis 18-19)
Op. 38 At a Photo Shop (1989) for voice and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 38 Spectral Preludes (1989) for keyboard or ensemble
Op. 39 Big Beat (1990) for orchestra
Op. 40 Trumpet Concerto ("Macho Concertino") (1990)
Op. 41 Mice Suite No. 1 (1991) for orchestra
Op. 42 Westminster Tropes (1991) for voices and instruments
Op. 43 Deploration Passacaglias (1992) for keyboard
Op. 44 Helena Suite (1992) for voice(s) and keyboard(s or instruments)
Op. 45 Mice and Men (1992) for voices and orchestra
Op. 46 Iliad Songs (1992) for voices and orchestra
Op. 47 Babel (1992) for voices and orchestra
Op. 48 San Fernando Hub (1993) for voices and instruments
Op. 49 Business As Usual (1993) for instrument(s and voice[s])
Op. 50 L.A. Stories (1994) for voices and instruments
Op. 51 San Rafael News (1995) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 52 Abraham and Isaac (1996) for voices and orchestra
Op. 53 Mice Suite No. 2 (1996) for voice(s) and instruments
Op. 54 Israel in Trouble (1997) for voices and instruments
Op. 55 The Passion According to St. Matthew (1997) for ensemble
Op. 56 For My Brother For My Brother (1997) for solo and keyboard
Op. 57 Amazing Joseph (1997) for voices and instruments
Op. 58 The Ten Commandments (1997) for voices and instruments
Op. 59 Mice Suite No. 3 (1998) for two voices and ensemble
Op. 60 Twelve Preludes and Fugues ("Topical") (1998) for keyboard
Op. 61 Symphony No. 1 in C Major, Op. 21 ("It wasn't classical...")
Op. 62 Symphony No. 2 ("Tamalpais") (1998)
Op. 63 Moses and Aaron (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 64 Joshua Fought the Battle (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 65 Samson and Delilah (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 66 Babe Ruth (Rhapsodi Israeli) (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 67 Saul! Saul! (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 68 Mice Suites (1998) for voices and instruments
Op. 69 King David (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 70 Solomon (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 71 Elijah Rock (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 72 The Nativity According to St. Matthew (1998) for ensemble
Op. 73 The Opera of Daniel (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op. 74 Buddha's Little Instruction Book (1999) for trio
Op. 75 Symphony No. 3 ("Recycled") (1999) for orchestra
Op. 76 Animal Farm (1999) for orchestra
Op. 77 Henry Miller in Brooklyn (1999) for 3 singers and 9 instruments
Op. 78 Esther Xerxes (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op. 79 Job: A Masque (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op. 80 John and Salome (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op. 81 The Beatitudes (1999) for voices and instruments
Op. 82 Symphony No. 4 ("Sequence") (1999) for orchestra
Op. 83 Quadruple Concerto ("Metal") (1999)
Op. 84 Flute Concerto ("Mythological") (2000)
Op. 85 The Gospel According to St. Matthew (2000)
Op. 86 Magnificat (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 87 Violin Concerto ("Ticklish") (2000)
Op. 88 Antigone (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 89 The Little Prince (2000) for voices and pierrot ensemble
Op. 90 Diocletian: A Pagan Opera (2000)
Op. 91 Uncle Vanya (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 92 Trombone Concerto ("Flute Players") (2000)
Op. 93 The Creation (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 94 The Bald Soprano (2001) for voices and orchestra
Op. 95 Animal Opera: An Orwellian Comedy (2001)
Op. 96 The Wind God (2001) for voice and keyboard (or orchestra)
Op. 97 Quartet for the Beginning of Time: Adam & Eve & Cain & Abel
Op. 98 Noah's Flood ("Noah, Noah"): A Mystery Play (2001)
Op. 99 Symphony No. 5 ("An American's Reply") (2001)
Op. 100 Symphony No. 6 ("Apathetic") (2001) for orchestra
Op. 101 Symphony No. 7 ("Tragicomic") (2001) for orchestra
Op, 102 Symphony No. 8 ("Unending") (2001) for orchestra
Op. 103 Flying Out the Mouth for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 104 Cats, Dogs, and Divas (2001) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 105 Gloria (2002) for voices and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 106 The Nativity According to St. Luke (2002) for ensemble
Op. 107 Out on the Porch (2002) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 108 Blake House (2002) for voice(s) and keyboard
Op. 109 Six Characters in Search of an Author (2003) for ensemble
Op. 110 Camino Real (2003) for voices and orchestra (or keyboard)
Op. 111 The Playboy of the Western World (2003) for ensemble
Op. 112 On the Road (2004) for voices and orchestra (or keyboard)
Op. 113 Endgame (2004) for four voices and orchestra (or keyboard)
Op. 114 Horn Concerto ("Sherlock") (2004) for horn and orchestra
Op. 115 Clarinet Concerto ("Matrimonial") (2004)
Op. 116 The Pied Piper of Hamelin: A Child's Opera (2004)
Op. 117 Symphony No. 9 ("From the West") (2004) for orchestra
Op. 118 Oboe Concerto ("Wanderer") (2004)
Op. 119 Viola Concerto ("Felicitations") (2004)
Op. 120 Bassoon Concerto ("Grandmother") (2004)
Op. 121 Tuba Concerto ("Pasteurized") (2004)
Op. 122 Piano Concerto ("Child's Play") (2004)
Op. 123 Harp Concerto ("Ballerina") (2004)
Op. 124 Percussion Concerto ("Dictator") (2004)
Op. 125 Cello Concerto ("Roasted") (2004)
Op. 126 Bass Concerto ("Comrade") (2004)
Op. 127 Twelve Pieces for Orchestra (2005)
Op. 128 Waiting for Godot (2005) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 129 Ecclesiastes Tropes (2005) for voice(s) and keyboard
Op. 130 Diabolic Variations (2005) for keyboard
Op. 131 Concerto for Orchestra (2005)
Op. 132 Pied Piper Suite: Concertino (2005) for orchestra
Op. 133 Rossetti Songs (2006) for voice and orchestra
Op. 134 Grande Suite ("Sol[ar]") (2006) for orchestra
Op. 135 Big Beat Remix (2006) for MIDI orchestra
Op. 136 Sinfonietta-Suite ("En Attendant Godot") (2006) for orchestra
Op. 137 From "Poems of My Heart" (2006) for voice(s) & instrument(s)
Op. 138 New Street Songs (2006) for voice and orchestra
Op. 139 New Crystal Series (2006) for oboe(s) and orchestra
Op. 140 One Page of a Swarthmore College Literary Magazine (2006)
Op. 141 Kipling Songs (2006) for voice and keyboard
Op. 142 The Ring of Harriet (2006) for voices and orchestra
Op. 143 Textbook (2007) for orchestra
Op. 144 Grating Prelude (2007) for orchestra
Op. 145 St. Paul Suite (2007) for voices and instruments
Op. 146 Trout Fishing in America (2007) for voices and instruments
Op. 147 The Musical Orbital (2007) for mixed media
Op. 148 Variations on Americana (2007) for orchestra
Op. 149 The Desert (2007) for a hopeless array
Op. 150 Halfway Mark (2007) for voices and instruments
Op. 151 A Walk Through California (2007) for found sounds
Op. 152 The Countess Cathleen (2007) for voices and orchestra
Op. 153 History Phases (2007) for sound files
Op. 154 White Horse Suite (2008) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 155 Flying Mixes (2008) for sound files
Op. 156 Vocal Sonatina No. 1 ("Spitzer") (2008)
Op. 157 Vocal Sonatina No. 2 ("Vatsyayana") (2008)
Op. 158 Vocal Sonatina No. 3 ("Conforte") (2008)
Op. 159 Vocal Sonatina No. 4 ("Khayyam") (2008)
Op. 160 Vocal Sonatina No. 5 ("Angier") (2008)
Op. 161 Genre Implosions No. 1 ("Mass Confusion") (2008) for sound
Op. 162 Twenty-Four Preludes and Fugues ("Standards") (2008)
Op. 163 Songs of Degrees (2008) for voices and instruments
Op. 164 Alphabetic Homage[inizations] (2008) for sound files
Op. 165 Genre Implosions No. 2 ("Ages East") for sound files
Op. 166 Civic Disobedience (2008) for voices and instruments
Op. 167 Genre Implosions No. 3 ("Time Cyclone") for sound files
Op. 168 The Bible (2008) for voices and instruments
Op. 169 Sex and the Bible: The Opera (2009)
Op. 170 Raga Improvisations (2009) for instruments
Op. 171 Sex and the Orchestra (2009)
Op. 172 Psalms, Book I (2009) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 173 Sex and Delilah (2009) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 174 King David Suite (2009) for orchestra
Op. 175 Isaiah (2009) for voices and orchestra
Op. 176 Elijah Ghost (2009) for orchestra
Op. 177 Pini di Surriento (2009) for orchestra
Op. 178 Salome Suite (2009) for orchestra
Op. 179 Vespers (2010) for voices and orchestra
Op. 180 An American Requiem (2010) for ensemble
Op. 181 The Song of Solomon (2010)
Op. 182 Malachi (2010)
Op. 183 John John John (2010)
Op. 184 Ave Maris Stella (2010)
Op. 185 Post-Minimalist Weddings (2010)
Op. 186 Christmas Carrels (2010)
Op. 187 Psalms, Book II (2011)
Op. 188 All the Effects in GarageBand (2011) for sound files
Op. 189 All the Effects in iMovie (2011)
Op. 194 Octundre (2011) for woodwind and brass quartets
Op. 195 Acid Loops (2011) for sound files
Op. 196 Regime Change (2011) for (voices and) orchestra
Op. 195 Acid Loops (2011) for sound files
Op. 196 Regime Change (2011) for (voices and) orchestra
Op. 199 The Inner Circles (2011) for cello, piano, and percussion
Op. 200 The Decameron - First Day (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 201 Triple Concerto ("Family") (2012) for bn, cbn, and hp
Op. 202 Psalms, Book IV (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 200 The Decameron - First Day (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 201 Triple Concerto ("Family") (2012) for bn, cbn, and hp
Op. 202 Psalms, Book IV (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 204 Double Piano Concerto ("Fellow Travellers") (2012)
Op. 205 The Decameron - Third Day (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 206 Two Political Interludes (2012) for piano
Op. 207 Mairzy Variations (2012) for piano four-hands
Op. 208 Troubadour Songs (2012) for voice and ensemble
Op. 209 The Harmonies of the World (2012) for ensemble
Op. 210 Infinite Corporeal Music Generator (2013) for sound files
Op. 211 The Decameron - Fourth Day (2013) for voices and instruments
Op. 212 Six Enneads (2013) for voice and orchestra
Op. 213 Hamlet (2013) for voices and orchestra
Op. 214 The Well-Tempered World (2013) for sound files
Op. 215 Three Sacred Choruses (2013) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 216 With No Thoughts of Plagiarism (2013) for sound files
Op. 217 Instant Orchestrations (2013) for ensemble
Op. 218 Psalms, Book V (2013) for voices and instruments
Op. 219 At a Medical Deposition (2013) for voice and instruments
Op. 220 Communist Manifesto (2013) for voices and orchestra
Op. 221 Mandela Mandala (2013) for sound files
Op. 222 Abducted by Aliens (2014) for voices and orchestra
Op. 223 371 Chorale Cadences (2014) for keyboard / orchestra
Op. 205 The Decameron - Third Day (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 206 Two Political Interludes (2012) for piano
Op. 207 Mairzy Variations (2012) for piano four-hands
Op. 208 Troubadour Songs (2012) for voice and ensemble
Op. 209 The Harmonies of the World (2012) for ensemble
Op. 210 Infinite Corporeal Music Generator (2013) for sound files
Op. 211 The Decameron - Fourth Day (2013) for voices and instruments
Op. 212 Six Enneads (2013) for voice and orchestra
Op. 213 Hamlet (2013) for voices and orchestra
Op. 214 The Well-Tempered World (2013) for sound files
Op. 215 Three Sacred Choruses (2013) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 216 With No Thoughts of Plagiarism (2013) for sound files
Op. 217 Instant Orchestrations (2013) for ensemble
Op. 218 Psalms, Book V (2013) for voices and instruments
Op. 219 At a Medical Deposition (2013) for voice and instruments
Op. 220 Communist Manifesto (2013) for voices and orchestra
Op. 221 Mandela Mandala (2013) for sound files
Op. 222 Abducted by Aliens (2014) for voices and orchestra
Op. 223 371 Chorale Cadences (2014) for keyboard / orchestra
Op. 254 That's How It Is on this Bitch of an Earth (2016) for sound files
Op. 255 The Great Widow (2016) for voices and orchestra
Op. 255 The Great Widow (2016) for voices and orchestra
Op. 301 Broke Dance Intermezzi: E (2019) for orchestra
Op. 302 Broke Dance Intermezzi: F (2019) for orchestra
Op. 302 Broke Dance Intermezzi: F (2019) for orchestra
Op. 334 Progressive Revelations (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 335 Music History (2020) for video
Op. 336 Missa in Tempore Pandemonia (2020)
Op. 335 Music History (2020) for video
Op. 336 Missa in Tempore Pandemonia (2020)
Op. 339 Henry VIII (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 340 Palestrina (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 340 Palestrina (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 342 Poeme Acoustique (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 343 Honecker Honegger (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 344 Oh, You Faithless Scrooge-let (2020) for voices and sleighbells
Op. 343 Honecker Honegger (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 344 Oh, You Faithless Scrooge-let (2020) for voices and sleighbells
Op. 347 Scarlatti Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 348 Bartok Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 349 Pandemische Absage von Konzerten (2021) for orchestra
Op. 350 Symphonic First Greeting Preludes (2021) for orchestra
Op. 351 Coast Range Summer (2021) for orchestra
Op. 352 Backyard Theology (2021) for video
Op. 353 Palms to Pines Proposal (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 354 Stravinsky Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 355 Imagination Dead Imagine (2021) for performers
Op. 356 Ezekiel Dry Bones (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 357 Four Prophets (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 358 Six Prophets (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 359 Unnatural Acts (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 360 The Letters (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 361 Just James (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 362 Peter Peter (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 348 Bartok Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 349 Pandemische Absage von Konzerten (2021) for orchestra
Op. 350 Symphonic First Greeting Preludes (2021) for orchestra
Op. 351 Coast Range Summer (2021) for orchestra
Op. 352 Backyard Theology (2021) for video
Op. 353 Palms to Pines Proposal (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 354 Stravinsky Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 355 Imagination Dead Imagine (2021) for performers
Op. 356 Ezekiel Dry Bones (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 357 Four Prophets (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 358 Six Prophets (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 359 Unnatural Acts (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 360 The Letters (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 361 Just James (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 362 Peter Peter (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 363 Easter Dawning (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 364 Proverbs (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 365 Parables (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 366 Bernstein Orchestrations (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 367 The Decameron (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 368 Fine [Marshall] Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 369 Hovhaness Orchestrations (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 370 Honegger Orchestrations (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 371 Eitzen Orchestrations (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 372 Ave Maria (2021) for voices and percussion
Op. 373 Book of Dreams, 2019 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 374 Book of Dreams, 2020 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 375 Book of Dreams, 2021 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 376 Book of Dreams, 2022 (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 377 English Folk Song Suite Revisited (2022) for voices/orchestra
Op. 378 1 Corinthians 13 (2022) for voice and percussion
Op. 364 Proverbs (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 365 Parables (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 366 Bernstein Orchestrations (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 367 The Decameron (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 368 Fine [Marshall] Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 369 Hovhaness Orchestrations (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 370 Honegger Orchestrations (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 371 Eitzen Orchestrations (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 372 Ave Maria (2021) for voices and percussion
Op. 373 Book of Dreams, 2019 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 374 Book of Dreams, 2020 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 375 Book of Dreams, 2021 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 376 Book of Dreams, 2022 (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 377 English Folk Song Suite Revisited (2022) for voices/orchestra
Op. 378 1 Corinthians 13 (2022) for voice and percussion
Op. 382 Catalogue of California Birds (2022) for sound/video files
Op. 383 Hymns (2022) for sound/video files
Op. 384 Modern Painters (2022) for orchestra
Op. 385 Famous Last Notes (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 386 Periodic Table (2022) for orchestra
Op. 383 Hymns (2022) for sound/video files
Op. 384 Modern Painters (2022) for orchestra
Op. 385 Famous Last Notes (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 386 Periodic Table (2022) for orchestra
Op. 387 Cheapskate Rhythms (2022) for orchestra
Op. 388 On a Scale of 1 to 10 (2022) for 10edo orchestra
Op. 389 The Selfish Gene (2022) for orchestra
Op. 388 On a Scale of 1 to 10 (2022) for 10edo orchestra
Op. 389 The Selfish Gene (2022) for orchestra
Op. 392 3 Crumb Tropes (2022) from Decameron: 5th Day
Op. 393 Delicate Balances (2022) for orchestra
Op. 394 Little Boy Blue (2022) for voice and orchestra
Op. 395 Colossians Collisions (2022) for voices and ensemble
Op. 396 Mozart [W.A.] Orchestrations (2022)
Op. 397 The Disharmonius Blacksmith (2022)
Op. 398 Poulenc Orchestrations (2022)
Op. 399 Faure Orchestrations (2022) for voice and orchestra
Op. 400 Handel Orchestrations (2022)
Op. 401 Book Ephesians (2022)
Op. 402 The Four Temperaments (2022) for orchestra
Op. 403 Gnomentary (2022) for cello and orchestra
Op. 404 Hymn Edits (2022) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 405 Grosseteste and Swineshead (2022)
Op. 406 Serenade on Swedish Meatballs (2022)
Op. 407 Philemon (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 408 Mikhail's Navy (2022) for orchestra
Op. 409 Chicanery in G Minor (2022) for percussion quartet
Op. 410 Secret Service (2022) for brass quartet
Op. 411 Mark (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 412 Sinfonia No. 2 ("4 Ovidian Ages") (2022)
***Op. 393 Delicate Balances (2022) for orchestra
Op. 394 Little Boy Blue (2022) for voice and orchestra
Op. 395 Colossians Collisions (2022) for voices and ensemble
Op. 396 Mozart [W.A.] Orchestrations (2022)
Op. 397 The Disharmonius Blacksmith (2022)
Op. 398 Poulenc Orchestrations (2022)
Op. 399 Faure Orchestrations (2022) for voice and orchestra
Op. 400 Handel Orchestrations (2022)
Op. 401 Book Ephesians (2022)
Op. 402 The Four Temperaments (2022) for orchestra
Op. 403 Gnomentary (2022) for cello and orchestra
Op. 404 Hymn Edits (2022) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 405 Grosseteste and Swineshead (2022)
Op. 406 Serenade on Swedish Meatballs (2022)
Op. 407 Philemon (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 408 Mikhail's Navy (2022) for orchestra
Op. 409 Chicanery in G Minor (2022) for percussion quartet
Op. 410 Secret Service (2022) for brass quartet
Op. 411 Mark (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 412 Sinfonia No. 2 ("4 Ovidian Ages") (2022)
By Genre
Instrumental Chamber Music
Op. 1 Psalm 6, Op 1 (1974) for oboe(s) (and high-hat cymbals)
Op. 10 Nocturnes for Insomniacs (1978) for violin and keyboard
Op. 11 Portraits of Three Players (1978) for flute and keyboard
Op. 14 Seasons' Eves (1978) for double-reed (or harp) duet
Op. 18 Yellow River Concerto II (1979) for oboe and violin (percussion)
Op. 22 Duo Sonata No. 1 ("Hyphenated") (1981) for violin & trombone
Op. 31 Duo Sonata No. 2 ("Wasatch") (1986) for viola and percussion
Op. 32 Crystal Series (1987) for oboe(s) and keyboard
Op. 207 Mairzy Variations (2012) for piano four-hands
Op. 238 Totem Variations (2015) for flute and keyboard
Op. 2 Suite ("Sol[ar]") (1975) for oboe, piano, and percussion
Op. 23 Sequence Music (1982) for a (piano) trio
Op. 199 The Inner Circles (2011) for cello, piano, and percussion
Op. 13 Three Places in America (For Four) (1978) for quartet
Op. 17 Two and a Half Pieces (1979) for flute, 2 trombones, and tuba
Op. 248 Cynthia, Scott & Trombone, Me & Cello in Scion (2015)
Op. 409 Chicanery in G Minor (2022) for percussion quartet
Op. 410 Secret Service (2022) for brass quartet
Op. 12 Four Processions (1978) for string quintet
Op. 16 Some Stuff (1979) for mixed quintet
Op. 406 Serenade on Swedish Meatballs (2022)
Op. 20 Embedded Inventions (1979) for keyboard
Op. 38 Spectral Preludes (1989) for keyboard or ensemble
Op. 43 Deploration Passacaglias (1992) for keyboard
Op. 60 Twelve Preludes and Fugues ("Topical") (1998) for keyboard
Op. 162 Twenty-Four Preludes and Fugues ("Standards") (2008)
Op. 223 371 Chorale Cadences (2014) for keyboard / orchestra
Op. 236 Twelve-Tonary (2015) for keyboard
Op. 7 Interrupted Interludes (1977) for keyboard
Op. 25 Stolen Students (1983) for keyboard
Op. 206 Two Political Interludes (2012) for piano
Op. 8 The Twelve Fingers (1977) for keyboard
Op. 15 Book (Prehistoric Atlas) (1979) for keyboard
Op. 6 Variations and Theme (1976) for keyboard
Op. 28 Mary Variations (1985) for keyboard
Op. 130 Diabolic Variations (2005) for keyboard
Op. 239 Six Little Marys (2015) for keyboard
Op. 40 Trumpet Concerto ("Macho Concertino")
Op. 83 Quadruple Concerto ("Metal") (1999)
Op. 84 Flute Concerto ("Mythological") (2000)
Op. 87 Violin Concerto ("Ticklish") (2000)
Op. 92 Trombone Concerto ("Flute Players") (2000)
Op. 114 Horn Concerto ("Sherlock") (2004) for horn and orchestra
Op. 115 Clarinet Concerto ("Matrimonial") (2004)
Op. 118 Oboe Concerto ("Wanderer") (2004)
Op. 119 Viola Concerto ("Felicitations") (2004)
Op. 120 Bassoon Concerto ("Grandmother") (2004)
Op. 121 Tuba Concerto ("Pasteurized") (2004)
Op. 122 Piano Concerto ("Child's Play") (2004)
Op. 123 Harp Concerto ("Ballerina") (2004)
Op. 124 Percussion Concerto ("Dictator") (2004)
Op. 125 Cello Concerto ("Roasted") (2004)
Op. 126 Bass Concerto ("Comrade") (2004)
Op. 139 New Crystal Series (2006) for oboe(s) and orchestra
Op. 201 Triple Concerto ("Family") (2012) for bn, cbn, & hp
Op. 20 Embedded Inventions (1979) for keyboard
Op. 38 Spectral Preludes (1989) for keyboard or ensemble
Op. 43 Deploration Passacaglias (1992) for keyboard
Op. 60 Twelve Preludes and Fugues ("Topical") (1998) for keyboard
Op. 162 Twenty-Four Preludes and Fugues ("Standards") (2008)
Op. 223 371 Chorale Cadences (2014) for keyboard / orchestra
Op. 236 Twelve-Tonary (2015) for keyboard
Op. 7 Interrupted Interludes (1977) for keyboard
Op. 25 Stolen Students (1983) for keyboard
Op. 206 Two Political Interludes (2012) for piano
Op. 8 The Twelve Fingers (1977) for keyboard
Op. 15 Book (Prehistoric Atlas) (1979) for keyboard
Op. 6 Variations and Theme (1976) for keyboard
Op. 28 Mary Variations (1985) for keyboard
Op. 130 Diabolic Variations (2005) for keyboard
Op. 239 Six Little Marys (2015) for keyboard
Op. 40 Trumpet Concerto ("Macho Concertino")
Op. 83 Quadruple Concerto ("Metal") (1999)
Op. 84 Flute Concerto ("Mythological") (2000)
Op. 87 Violin Concerto ("Ticklish") (2000)
Op. 92 Trombone Concerto ("Flute Players") (2000)
Op. 114 Horn Concerto ("Sherlock") (2004) for horn and orchestra
Op. 115 Clarinet Concerto ("Matrimonial") (2004)
Op. 118 Oboe Concerto ("Wanderer") (2004)
Op. 119 Viola Concerto ("Felicitations") (2004)
Op. 120 Bassoon Concerto ("Grandmother") (2004)
Op. 121 Tuba Concerto ("Pasteurized") (2004)
Op. 122 Piano Concerto ("Child's Play") (2004)
Op. 123 Harp Concerto ("Ballerina") (2004)
Op. 124 Percussion Concerto ("Dictator") (2004)
Op. 125 Cello Concerto ("Roasted") (2004)
Op. 126 Bass Concerto ("Comrade") (2004)
Op. 139 New Crystal Series (2006) for oboe(s) and orchestra
Op. 201 Triple Concerto ("Family") (2012) for bn, cbn, & hp
Op. 204 Double Piano Concerto ("Fellow Travellers") (2012)
Op. 245 Four Michaels (Zodiac after the Book of Jude) (2015)
Op. 403 Gnomentary (2022) for cello and orchestra
Op. 245 Four Michaels (Zodiac after the Book of Jude) (2015)
Op. 403 Gnomentary (2022) for cello and orchestra
Op. 387 Cheapskate Rhythms (2022) for orchestra
Op. 388 On a Scale of 1 to 10 (2022) for 10edo orchestra
Op. 393 Delicate Balances (2022) for orchestra
Op. 264 Beethoven Orchestrations (2017)
Op. 265 Cage Orchestrations (2017)
Op. 279 D'Indy Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 280 Prokofiev Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 282 Chopin Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 283 Debussy Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 284 Milhaud Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 286 Shostakovich Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 288 Medieval Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 291 Ravel Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 292 Satie Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 293 Renaissance Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 294 Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 331 Ives Orchestrations (2019) for orchestra
Op. 332 Cowell Orchestrations (2019) for orchestra
Op. 346 Toch Orchestratiions (2021) for orchestra
Op. 347 Scarlatti Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 348 Bartok Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 354 Stravinsky Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 366 Bernstein Orchestrations (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 368 Fine [Marshall] Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 369 Hovhaness Orchestrations (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 370 Honegger Orchestrations (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 371 Eitzen Orchestrations (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 396 Mozart [W.A.] Orchestrations (2022)
Op. 398 Poulenc Orchestrations (2022)
Op. 400 Handel Orchestrations (2022)
Op. 39 Big Beat (1990) for orchestra
Op. 88a Overture to Antigone (2000) for orchestra
Op. 94a Overture to The Bald Soprano (2001) for orchestra
Op. 144 Grating Prelude (2007) for orchestra
Op. 259 Mark and Jerry Go to the CVS (2016) for orchestra
Op. 349 Pandemische Absage von Konzerten (2021) for orchestra
Op. 350 Symphonic First Greeting Preludes (2021) for orchestra
Op. 241 Sinfonia No. 1 ("2 Webernian Ages") (2015)
Op. 412 Sinfonia No. 2 ("4 Ovidian Ages") (2022)
Op. 26 Sinfonietta (1984) for orchestra
Op. 136 Sinfonietta-Suite ("En Attendant Godot") (2006) for orchestra
Op. 26 Sinfonietta (1984) for orchestra
Op. 41 Mice Suite No. 1 (1991) for orchestra
Op. 127 Twelve Pieces for Orchestra (2005)
Op. 131 Concerto for Orchestra (2005) for orchestra
Op. 132 Pied Piper Suite: Concertino (2005) for orchestra
Op. 134 Grande Suite ("Sol[ar]") (2006) for orchestra
Op. 136 Sinfonietta-Suite ("En Attendant Godot") (2006) for orchestra
Op. 143 Textbook (2007) for orchestra
Op. 171 Sex and the Orchestra (2009)
Op. 174 King David Suite (2009) for (voices and) and orchestra
Op. 176 Elijah Ghost (2009) for orchestra
Op. 177 Pini di Surriento (2009) for orchestra
Op. 178 Salome Suite (2009) for (voices and) orchestra
Op. 196 Regime Change (2011) for (voices and) orchestra
Op. 209 The Harmonies of the World (2012) for ensemble
Op. 217 Instant Orchestrations (2013) for ensemble
Op. 227 Academic Endeavors II (2014) for ensemble
Op. 230 Pictures at Rodie's Exhibition (2014) for orchestra
Op. 246 Five Tweets for Orchestra (Orchestweets) (2015)
Op. 249 Estampies (2016) for orchestra and sound files
Op. 250 Quintet ("Bullets") for orchestra (2016)
Op. 252 Eight Waltzes (2016) for orchestra
Op. 260 24 Tone Preludes (2016) for orchestra
Op. 265 Cage Orchestrations (2017)
Op. 269 That Which Survives (2017)
Op. 276 Roman de Favvel (The Horse-Ass Novel) (2018)
Op. 281 Leonin Locale (Crossword Puzzle 5/23/18) (2018)
Op. 290 Broke Dance Suite (2018) for orchestra
Op. 297 Broke Dance Intermezzi: A (2019) for orchestra
Op. 298 Broke Dance Intermezzi: B (2019) for orchestra
Op. 299 Broke Dance Intermezzi: C (2019) for orchestra
Op. 300 Broke Dance Intermezzi: D (2019) for orchestra
Op. 301 Broke Dance Intermezzi: E (2019) for orchestra
Op. 302 Broke Dance Intermezzi: F (2019) for orchestra
Op. 303 Broke Dance Intermezzi: G (2019) for orchestra
Op. 304 Broke Dance Intermezzi: H (2019) for orchestra
Op. 305 Broke Dance Intermezzi: I (2019) for orchestra
Op. 305 Broke Dance Intermezzi: I (2019) for orchestra
Op. 306 Broke Dance Intermezzi: J (2019) for orchestra
Op. 307 Broke Dance Intermezzi: K (2019) for orchestra
Op. 308 Broke Dance Intermezzi: L (2019) for orchestra
Op. 309 Broke Dance Intermezzi: M (2019) for orchestra
Op. 310 Broke Dance Intermezzi: N (2019) for orchestra
Op. 311 Broke Dance Intermezzi: O (2019) for orchestra
Op. 312 Broke Dance Intermezzi: P (2019) for orchestra
Op. 313 Broke Dance Intermezzi: Q (2019) for orchestra
Op. 314 Broke Dance Intermezzi: R (2019) for orchestra
Op. 315 Broke Dance Intermezzi: S (2019) for orchestra
Op. 316 Broke Dance Intermezzi: T (2019) for orchestra
Op. 317 Broke Dance Intermezzi: U (2019) for orchestra
Op. 318 Broke Dance Intermezzi: V (2019) for orchestra
Op. 319 Broke Dance Intermezzi: W (2019) for orchestra
Op. 320 Broke Dance Intermezzi: X (2019) for orchestra
Op. 321 Broke Dance Intermezzi: Y (2019) for orchestra
Op. 322 Broke Dance Intermezzi: Z (2019) for orchestra
Op. 326 15 Inventions ("Technological") for instrument(s)
Op. 333 Incipit Quodlibet (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 350 Symphonic First Greeting Preludes (2021) for orchestra
Op. 355 Imagination Dead Imagine (2021) for performers
Op. 384 Modern Painters (2022) for orchestra
Op. 386 Periodic Table (2022) for orchestra
Op. 389 The Selfish Gene (2022) for orchestra
Op. 392 3 Crumb Tropes (2022) from Decameron: 5th Day
Op. 402 The Four Temperaments (2022) for orchestra
Op. 408 Mikhail's Navy (2022) for orchestra
Op. 61 Symphony No. 1 in C Major, Op. 21 ("It wasn't classical...")
Op. 62 Symphony No. 2 ("Tamalpais") (1998)
Op. 75 Symphony No. 3 ("Recycled") (1999) for orchestra
Op. 82 Symphony No. 4 ("Sequence") (1999) for orchestra
Op. 99 Symphony No. 5 ("An American's Reply") (2001)
Op. 100 Symphony No. 6 ("Apathetic") (2001) for orchestra
Op. 101 Symphony No. 7 ("Tragicomic") (2001) for orchestra
Op, 102 Symphony No. 8 ("Unending") (2001) for orchestra
Op. 117 Symphony No. 9 ("From the West") (2004) for orchestra
Op. 342 Poeme Acoustique (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 76 Animal Farm (1999) for orchestra
Op. 148 Variations on Americana (2007) for orchestra
Op. 170 Raga Improvisations (2009) for instruments
Op. 223 371 Chorale Cadences (2014) for keyboard / orchestra
Op. 251 Variations on the Romanesca (2016) for orchestra
Op. 267 Get Your Zen on Interstate 80-55-44-40-15-10 (2017)
Op. 268 Variations on Variations of Brahms's Theme of Haydn (2017)
Op. 287 Cliff Variations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 351 Coast Range Summer (2021) for orchestra
Op. 397 The Disharmonius Blacksmith (2022)
Voice(s) and Instrument(s)
Op. 5 The Lord's Prayer (1975) for soloists, choir, and keyboard
Op. 58 The Ten Commandments (1997) for voices and instruments
Op 81 The Beatitudes (1999) for voices and instruments
Op. 184 Ave Maris Stella (2010)
Op. 215 Three Sacred Choruses (2013) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 243 Faulte d'Argent (The Problem with Money) (2015)
Op. 343 Honecker Honegger (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 344 Oh, You Faithless Scrooge-let (2020) for voices and sleighbells
Op. 353 Palms to Pines Proposal (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 372 Ave Maria (2021) for voices and percussion
Op. 378 1 Corinthians 13 (2022) for voice and percussion
Op. 379 Romans 8: 24-25 (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 380 Hebrews 11-12 (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 391 Lies (2022) for vocal duo and orchestra
Op. 394 Little Boy Blue (2022) for voice and orchestra
Op. 404 Hymn Edits (2022) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 407 Philemon (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 3 Eccclesiastes, or The Preacher, (1975) for voice(s) and orchestra
Op. 4 Poems on Crane (1975) for mixed chorus (after Stephen Crane)
Op. 33 San Timoteo Can[yon]tata (1988) for voices and instruments
Op. 42 Westminster Tropes (1991) for voices and instruments
Op. 46 Iliad Songs (1992) for voices and orchestra
Op. 86 Magnificat (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 129 Ecclesiastes Tropes (2005) for voice(s) and keyboard
Op. 175 Isaiah (2009) for voices and orchestra
Op. 179 Vespers (2010) for voices and orchestra
Op. 181 The Song of Solomon (2010)
Op. 182 Malachi (2010)
Op. 183 John John John (2010)
Op. 220 Communist Manifesto (2013) for voices and orchestra
Op. 226 Gravity and Comedy (2014) for performers
Op. 263 Ezra Pounds (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 278 Jeremiah Lamentations (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 281 Leonin Locale (Crossword Puzzle 5/23/18) (2018)
Op. 360 The Letters (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 361 Just James (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 362 Peter Peter (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 364 Proverbs (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 395 Colossians Collisions (2022) for voices and ensemble
Op. 401 Book Ephesians (2022)
Op. 405 Grosseteste and Swineshead (2022)
Op. 21 Missa "The a deux" (1980) for voices and instruments
Op. 27 Aerial Requiem (1985) for voices and instruments
Op. 35 Missa California (1988) for voices and instruments
Op. 105 Gloria (2002) for voices and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 180 An American Requiem (2010) for ensemble
Op. 336 Missa in Tempore Pandemonia (2020)
Op. 345 Mass in C Minus (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 45 Mice and Men (1992) for voices and orchestra
Op. 68 Mice Suites (1998) for voices and instruments
Op. 77 Henry Miller in Brooklyn (1999) for 3 singers and 9 instruments
Op. 88 Antigone (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 89 The Little Prince (2000) for voices and Pierrot ensemble
Op. 90 Diocletian: A Pagan Opera (2000)
Op. 91 Uncle Vanya (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 94 The Bald Soprano (2001) for voices and orchestra
Op. 95 Animal Opera: An Orwellian Comedy (2001)
Op. 96 The Wind God (2001) for voice and keyboard (or orchestra)
Op. 103 Flying Out the Mouth for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 104 Cats, Dogs, and Divas (2001) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 107 Out on the Porch (2002) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 109 Six Characters in Search of an Author (2003) for ensemble
Op. 110 Camino Real (2003) for voices and orchestra (or keyboard)
Op. 111 The Playboy of the Western World (2003) for ensemble
Op. 112 On the Road (2004) for voices and orchestra (or keyboard)
Op. 113 Endgame (2004) for four voices and orchestra (or keyboard)
Op. 116 The Pied Piper of Hamelin: A Child's Opera (2004)
Op. 128 Waiting for Godot (2005) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 142 The Ring of Harriet (2006) for voices and orchestra
Op. 146 Trout Fishing in America (2007) for voices and instruments
Op. 152 The Countess Cathleen (2007) for voices and orchestra
Op. 198 The Cop and the Anthem (2011) for voices and instruments
Op. 200 The Decameron - First Day (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 388 On a Scale of 1 to 10 (2022) for 10edo orchestra
Op. 393 Delicate Balances (2022) for orchestra
Op. 264 Beethoven Orchestrations (2017)
Op. 265 Cage Orchestrations (2017)
Op. 279 D'Indy Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 280 Prokofiev Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 282 Chopin Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 283 Debussy Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 284 Milhaud Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 286 Shostakovich Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 288 Medieval Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 291 Ravel Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 292 Satie Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 293 Renaissance Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 294 Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 331 Ives Orchestrations (2019) for orchestra
Op. 332 Cowell Orchestrations (2019) for orchestra
Op. 346 Toch Orchestratiions (2021) for orchestra
Op. 347 Scarlatti Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 348 Bartok Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 354 Stravinsky Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 366 Bernstein Orchestrations (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 368 Fine [Marshall] Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 369 Hovhaness Orchestrations (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 370 Honegger Orchestrations (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 371 Eitzen Orchestrations (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 396 Mozart [W.A.] Orchestrations (2022)
Op. 398 Poulenc Orchestrations (2022)
Op. 400 Handel Orchestrations (2022)
Op. 39 Big Beat (1990) for orchestra
Op. 88a Overture to Antigone (2000) for orchestra
Op. 94a Overture to The Bald Soprano (2001) for orchestra
Op. 144 Grating Prelude (2007) for orchestra
Op. 259 Mark and Jerry Go to the CVS (2016) for orchestra
Op. 349 Pandemische Absage von Konzerten (2021) for orchestra
Op. 350 Symphonic First Greeting Preludes (2021) for orchestra
Op. 241 Sinfonia No. 1 ("2 Webernian Ages") (2015)
Op. 412 Sinfonia No. 2 ("4 Ovidian Ages") (2022)
Op. 26 Sinfonietta (1984) for orchestra
Op. 136 Sinfonietta-Suite ("En Attendant Godot") (2006) for orchestra
Op. 26 Sinfonietta (1984) for orchestra
Op. 41 Mice Suite No. 1 (1991) for orchestra
Op. 127 Twelve Pieces for Orchestra (2005)
Op. 131 Concerto for Orchestra (2005) for orchestra
Op. 132 Pied Piper Suite: Concertino (2005) for orchestra
Op. 134 Grande Suite ("Sol[ar]") (2006) for orchestra
Op. 136 Sinfonietta-Suite ("En Attendant Godot") (2006) for orchestra
Op. 143 Textbook (2007) for orchestra
Op. 171 Sex and the Orchestra (2009)
Op. 174 King David Suite (2009) for (voices and) and orchestra
Op. 176 Elijah Ghost (2009) for orchestra
Op. 177 Pini di Surriento (2009) for orchestra
Op. 178 Salome Suite (2009) for (voices and) orchestra
Op. 196 Regime Change (2011) for (voices and) orchestra
Op. 209 The Harmonies of the World (2012) for ensemble
Op. 217 Instant Orchestrations (2013) for ensemble
Op. 227 Academic Endeavors II (2014) for ensemble
Op. 230 Pictures at Rodie's Exhibition (2014) for orchestra
Op. 246 Five Tweets for Orchestra (Orchestweets) (2015)
Op. 249 Estampies (2016) for orchestra and sound files
Op. 250 Quintet ("Bullets") for orchestra (2016)
Op. 252 Eight Waltzes (2016) for orchestra
Op. 260 24 Tone Preludes (2016) for orchestra
Op. 265 Cage Orchestrations (2017)
Op. 269 That Which Survives (2017)
Op. 276 Roman de Favvel (The Horse-Ass Novel) (2018)
Op. 281 Leonin Locale (Crossword Puzzle 5/23/18) (2018)
Op. 290 Broke Dance Suite (2018) for orchestra
Op. 297 Broke Dance Intermezzi: A (2019) for orchestra
Op. 298 Broke Dance Intermezzi: B (2019) for orchestra
Op. 299 Broke Dance Intermezzi: C (2019) for orchestra
Op. 300 Broke Dance Intermezzi: D (2019) for orchestra
Op. 301 Broke Dance Intermezzi: E (2019) for orchestra
Op. 302 Broke Dance Intermezzi: F (2019) for orchestra
Op. 303 Broke Dance Intermezzi: G (2019) for orchestra
Op. 304 Broke Dance Intermezzi: H (2019) for orchestra
Op. 305 Broke Dance Intermezzi: I (2019) for orchestra
Op. 305 Broke Dance Intermezzi: I (2019) for orchestra
Op. 306 Broke Dance Intermezzi: J (2019) for orchestra
Op. 307 Broke Dance Intermezzi: K (2019) for orchestra
Op. 308 Broke Dance Intermezzi: L (2019) for orchestra
Op. 309 Broke Dance Intermezzi: M (2019) for orchestra
Op. 310 Broke Dance Intermezzi: N (2019) for orchestra
Op. 311 Broke Dance Intermezzi: O (2019) for orchestra
Op. 312 Broke Dance Intermezzi: P (2019) for orchestra
Op. 313 Broke Dance Intermezzi: Q (2019) for orchestra
Op. 314 Broke Dance Intermezzi: R (2019) for orchestra
Op. 315 Broke Dance Intermezzi: S (2019) for orchestra
Op. 316 Broke Dance Intermezzi: T (2019) for orchestra
Op. 317 Broke Dance Intermezzi: U (2019) for orchestra
Op. 318 Broke Dance Intermezzi: V (2019) for orchestra
Op. 319 Broke Dance Intermezzi: W (2019) for orchestra
Op. 320 Broke Dance Intermezzi: X (2019) for orchestra
Op. 321 Broke Dance Intermezzi: Y (2019) for orchestra
Op. 322 Broke Dance Intermezzi: Z (2019) for orchestra
Op. 326 15 Inventions ("Technological") for instrument(s)
Op. 333 Incipit Quodlibet (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 350 Symphonic First Greeting Preludes (2021) for orchestra
Op. 355 Imagination Dead Imagine (2021) for performers
Op. 384 Modern Painters (2022) for orchestra
Op. 386 Periodic Table (2022) for orchestra
Op. 389 The Selfish Gene (2022) for orchestra
Op. 392 3 Crumb Tropes (2022) from Decameron: 5th Day
Op. 402 The Four Temperaments (2022) for orchestra
Op. 408 Mikhail's Navy (2022) for orchestra
Op. 61 Symphony No. 1 in C Major, Op. 21 ("It wasn't classical...")
Op. 62 Symphony No. 2 ("Tamalpais") (1998)
Op. 75 Symphony No. 3 ("Recycled") (1999) for orchestra
Op. 82 Symphony No. 4 ("Sequence") (1999) for orchestra
Op. 99 Symphony No. 5 ("An American's Reply") (2001)
Op. 100 Symphony No. 6 ("Apathetic") (2001) for orchestra
Op. 101 Symphony No. 7 ("Tragicomic") (2001) for orchestra
Op, 102 Symphony No. 8 ("Unending") (2001) for orchestra
Op. 117 Symphony No. 9 ("From the West") (2004) for orchestra
Op. 342 Poeme Acoustique (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 76 Animal Farm (1999) for orchestra
Op. 148 Variations on Americana (2007) for orchestra
Op. 170 Raga Improvisations (2009) for instruments
Op. 223 371 Chorale Cadences (2014) for keyboard / orchestra
Op. 251 Variations on the Romanesca (2016) for orchestra
Op. 267 Get Your Zen on Interstate 80-55-44-40-15-10 (2017)
Op. 268 Variations on Variations of Brahms's Theme of Haydn (2017)
Op. 287 Cliff Variations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 351 Coast Range Summer (2021) for orchestra
Op. 397 The Disharmonius Blacksmith (2022)
Voice(s) and Instrument(s)
Op. 5 The Lord's Prayer (1975) for soloists, choir, and keyboard
Op. 58 The Ten Commandments (1997) for voices and instruments
Op 81 The Beatitudes (1999) for voices and instruments
Op. 184 Ave Maris Stella (2010)
Op. 215 Three Sacred Choruses (2013) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 243 Faulte d'Argent (The Problem with Money) (2015)
Op. 343 Honecker Honegger (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 344 Oh, You Faithless Scrooge-let (2020) for voices and sleighbells
Op. 353 Palms to Pines Proposal (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 372 Ave Maria (2021) for voices and percussion
Op. 378 1 Corinthians 13 (2022) for voice and percussion
Op. 379 Romans 8: 24-25 (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 380 Hebrews 11-12 (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 391 Lies (2022) for vocal duo and orchestra
Op. 394 Little Boy Blue (2022) for voice and orchestra
Op. 404 Hymn Edits (2022) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 407 Philemon (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 3 Eccclesiastes, or The Preacher, (1975) for voice(s) and orchestra
Op. 4 Poems on Crane (1975) for mixed chorus (after Stephen Crane)
Op. 33 San Timoteo Can[yon]tata (1988) for voices and instruments
Op. 42 Westminster Tropes (1991) for voices and instruments
Op. 46 Iliad Songs (1992) for voices and orchestra
Op. 86 Magnificat (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 129 Ecclesiastes Tropes (2005) for voice(s) and keyboard
Op. 175 Isaiah (2009) for voices and orchestra
Op. 179 Vespers (2010) for voices and orchestra
Op. 181 The Song of Solomon (2010)
Op. 182 Malachi (2010)
Op. 183 John John John (2010)
Op. 220 Communist Manifesto (2013) for voices and orchestra
Op. 226 Gravity and Comedy (2014) for performers
Op. 263 Ezra Pounds (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 278 Jeremiah Lamentations (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 281 Leonin Locale (Crossword Puzzle 5/23/18) (2018)
Op. 360 The Letters (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 361 Just James (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 362 Peter Peter (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 364 Proverbs (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 395 Colossians Collisions (2022) for voices and ensemble
Op. 401 Book Ephesians (2022)
Op. 405 Grosseteste and Swineshead (2022)
Op. 21 Missa "The a deux" (1980) for voices and instruments
Op. 27 Aerial Requiem (1985) for voices and instruments
Op. 35 Missa California (1988) for voices and instruments
Op. 105 Gloria (2002) for voices and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 180 An American Requiem (2010) for ensemble
Op. 336 Missa in Tempore Pandemonia (2020)
Op. 345 Mass in C Minus (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 45 Mice and Men (1992) for voices and orchestra
Op. 68 Mice Suites (1998) for voices and instruments
Op. 77 Henry Miller in Brooklyn (1999) for 3 singers and 9 instruments
Op. 88 Antigone (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 89 The Little Prince (2000) for voices and Pierrot ensemble
Op. 90 Diocletian: A Pagan Opera (2000)
Op. 91 Uncle Vanya (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 94 The Bald Soprano (2001) for voices and orchestra
Op. 95 Animal Opera: An Orwellian Comedy (2001)
Op. 96 The Wind God (2001) for voice and keyboard (or orchestra)
Op. 103 Flying Out the Mouth for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 104 Cats, Dogs, and Divas (2001) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 107 Out on the Porch (2002) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 109 Six Characters in Search of an Author (2003) for ensemble
Op. 110 Camino Real (2003) for voices and orchestra (or keyboard)
Op. 111 The Playboy of the Western World (2003) for ensemble
Op. 112 On the Road (2004) for voices and orchestra (or keyboard)
Op. 113 Endgame (2004) for four voices and orchestra (or keyboard)
Op. 116 The Pied Piper of Hamelin: A Child's Opera (2004)
Op. 128 Waiting for Godot (2005) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 142 The Ring of Harriet (2006) for voices and orchestra
Op. 146 Trout Fishing in America (2007) for voices and instruments
Op. 152 The Countess Cathleen (2007) for voices and orchestra
Op. 198 The Cop and the Anthem (2011) for voices and instruments
Op. 200 The Decameron - First Day (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 203 The Decameron - Second Day (2012)
Op. 205 The Decameron - Third Day (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 211 The Decameron - Fourth Day (2013) for voices and instruments
Op. 231 Portraits of ___ (Some Multiple of 3) Women (2014)
Op. 232 Alma Maria Schindler Mahler Gropius Werfel (2014)
Op. 233 Fallen Angels (2014) for voices and orchestra
Op. 237 Raising Messiah (2015) for voices and orchestra
Op. 240 Saigon Agonistes (2015) for voices and orchestra
Op. 242 Canterbury Tales (2015) for voices and orchestra
Op. 247 The Decameron - Fifth Day (2015)
Op. 255 The Great Widow (2016) for voices and orchestra
Op. 257 The Decameron - Sixth Day (2016) for voices and orchestra
Op. 261 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 262 The Decameron - Seventh Day (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 266 The Decameron - Eighth Day (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 270 The Decameron - Ninth Day (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 273 Christmas, 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 274 New Year's Eve, 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 275 2018 (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 276 Roman de Favvel (The Horse-Ass Novel) (2018)
Op. 285 Dan Cook Canyon (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 289 The Decameron - Tenth Day (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 295 The Courtship of Inanna and Dumizi (2019)
Op. 324 Bach, Ballet, Balloons (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 328 Macbeth (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 329 Julius Caesar (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 330 No Exit (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 337 Seven Caliphs (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 338 Eight Pepins (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 340 Palestrina (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 341 Orpheus and Eurydice (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 367 The Decameron (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 36 Lot in Life (1988) for voices and instruments (Genesis 18-19)
Op. 47 Babel (1992) for voices and orchestra
Op. 52 Abraham and Isaac (1996) for voices and orchestra
Op. 54 Israel in Trouble (1997) for voices and instruments
Op. 55 The Passion According to St. Matthew (1997) for ensemble
Op. 57 Amazing Joseph (1997) for voices and instruments
Op. 63 Moses and Aaron (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 64 Joshua Fought the Battle (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 65 Samson and Delilah (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 66 Babe Ruth (Rhapsodi Israeli) (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 67 Saul! Saul! (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 69 King David (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 70 Solomon (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 71 Elijah Rock (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 72 The Nativity According to St. Matthew (1998) for ensemble
Op. 73 The Opera of Daniel (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op. 78 Esther Xerxes (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op. 79 Job: A Masque (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op 80 John and Salome (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op. 85 The Gospel According to St. Matthew (2000)
Op. 93 The Creation (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 97 Quartet for the Beginning of Time: Adam & Eve & Cain & Abel
Op. 98 Noah's Flood ("Noah, Noah"): A Mystery Play (2001)
Op. 106 The Nativity According to St. Luke (2002) for ensemble
Op. 145 St. Paul Suite (2007) for voices and instruments
Op. 168 The Bible (2008) for voices and instruments
Op. 169 Sex and the Bible: The Opera (2009)
Op. 173 Sex and Delilah (2009) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 224 Water Music (2014) for voices and orchestra
Op. 229 Sex and the Species (2014) for voices and ensemble
Op. 258 Jonah (2016) for voices and orchestra
Op. 263 Ezra Pounds (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 296 Book of Revelation (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 327 The Gospel According to St. John (2019)
Op. 356 Ezekiel Dry Bones (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 357 Four Prophets (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 358 Six Prophets (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 359 Unnatural Acts (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 363 Easter Dawning (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 365 Parables (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 411 Mark (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 366 Bernstein Orchestrations (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 369 Hovhaness Orchestrations (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 370 Honegger Orchestrations (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 371 Eitzen Orchestrations (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 399 Faure Orchestrations (2022) for voice and orchestra
Op. 9 Psalm (92) for the Sabbath Day (1977) for voice and keyboard
Op. 163 Songs of Degrees (2008) for voices and instruments
Op. 172 Psalms, Book I (2009) for voice(s) and instruments
Op. 188 Psalms, Book II (2011) for voices and instruments
Op. 197 Psalms, Book III (2011) for voices and instruments
Op. 202 Psalms, Book IV (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 218 Psalms, Book V (2013) for voices and instruments
Song Cycle
Op. 19 Academic Endeavors (1970) for keyboard and voice
Op. 24 Orpheus Cycle (1982) for voice and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 29 Street Songs (1985) for voice and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 30 Merton Songs (1986) for voice and keyboard
Op. 34 Songs for Rebecca (1988) for voice and keyboard
Op. 38 At a Photo Shop (1989) for voice and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 44 Helena Suite (1992) for voice(s) and keyboard(s or instruments)
Op. 48 San Fernando Hub (1993) for voices and instruments
Op. 49 Business As Usual (1993) for instrument(s and voice[s])
Op. 40 L.A. Stories (1994) for voices and instruments
Op. 51 San Rafael News (1995) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 53 Mice Suite No. 2 (1996) for voice(s) and instruments
Op. 56 For My Brother For My Brother (1997) for solo and keyboard
Op. 59 Mice Suite No. 3 (1998) for two voices and ensemble
Op. 74 Buddha's Little Instruction Book (1999) for trio
Op. 108 Blake House (2002) for voice(s) and keyboard
Op. 133 Rossetti Songs (2006) for voice and orchestra
Op. 137 From "Poems of My Heart" (2006) for voice(s) & instrument(s)
Op. 138 New Street Songs (2006) for voice and orchestra
Op. 140 One Page of a Swarthmore College Literary Magazine (2006)
Op. 141 Kipling Songs (2006) for voice and keyboard
Op. 147 The Musical Orbital (2007) for mixed media
Op. 149 The Desert (2007) for a hopeless array
Op. 150 Halfway Mark (2007) for voices and instruments
Op. 154 White Horse Suite (2008) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 156 Vocal Sonatina No. 1 ("Spitzer") (2008)
Op. 157 Vocal Sonatina No. 2 ("Vatsyayana") (2008)
Op. 158 Vocal Sonatina No. 3 ("Conforte") (2008)
Op. 159 Vocal Sonatina No. 4 ("Khayyam") (2008)
Op. 160 Vocal Sonatina No. 5 ("Angier") (2008)
Op. 166 Civic Disobediance (2008) for voices and instruments
Op. 186 Christmas Carrels (2010)
Op. 190 New Big People Old Trouble So Sunday (2011)
Op. 208 Troubadour Songs (2012) for voice and ensemble
Op. 212 Six Enneads (2013) for voice and orchestra
Op. 231 Portraits of ___ (Some Multiple of 3) Women (2014)
Op. 244 Street Signs (2015) for voices and instruments
Op. 253 Twelve Virelais (2016) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 256 To Those Who Come After: Three Elegies (2016)
Op. 271 Tropes on Britten's Songs from the Chinese (2017)
Op. 272 Fresh Voices I-XVII Chronology, in Thanks (2017)
Op. 273 Christmas, 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 274 New Year's Eve, 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 275 2018 (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 276 Roman de Favvel (The Horse-Ass Novel) (2018)
Op. 277 Book of Dreams, 2018 (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 323 Poems on Tennyson (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 334 Progressive Revelations (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 353 Palms to Pines Proposal (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 373 Book of Dreams, 2019 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 374 Book of Dreams, 2020 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 375 Book of Dreams, 2021 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 376 Book of Dreams, 2022 (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 377 English Folk Song Suite Revisited (2022) for voices/orchestra
Op. 385 Famous Last Notes (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 135 Big Beat Remix (2006) for MIDI orchestra
Op. 151 A Walk Through California (2007) for found sounds
Op. 153 History Phases (2007) for sound files
Op. 155 Flying Mixes (2008) for sound files
Op. 161 Genre Implosions No. 1 ("Mass Confusion") (2008) for sound
Op. 164 Alphabetic Homage[inizations] (2008) for sound files
Op. 165 Genre Implosions No. 2 ("Ages East") (2008) for sound files
Op. 167 Genre Implosions No. 3 ("Time Cyclone") (2008) for sound
Op. 185 Post-Minimalist Weddings (2010)
Op. 188 All the Effects in GarageBand (2011) for sound files
Op. 189 All the Effects in iMovie (2011) for sound files
Op. 149 The Desert (2007) for a hopeless array
Op. 130 Diabolic Variations (2005) for keyboard
Op. 279 D'Indy Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 90 Diocletian: A Pagan Opera (2000)
Op. 397 The Disharmonius Blacksmith (2022)
Op. 205 The Decameron - Third Day (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 211 The Decameron - Fourth Day (2013) for voices and instruments
Op. 213 Hamlet (2013) for voices and orchestra
Op. 222 Abducted by Aliens (2014) for voices and orchestra
Op. 228 Cristobal Colon (2014) for voices and orchestraOp. 222 Abducted by Aliens (2014) for voices and orchestra
Op. 231 Portraits of ___ (Some Multiple of 3) Women (2014)
Op. 232 Alma Maria Schindler Mahler Gropius Werfel (2014)
Op. 233 Fallen Angels (2014) for voices and orchestra
Op. 237 Raising Messiah (2015) for voices and orchestra
Op. 240 Saigon Agonistes (2015) for voices and orchestra
Op. 242 Canterbury Tales (2015) for voices and orchestra
Op. 247 The Decameron - Fifth Day (2015)
Op. 255 The Great Widow (2016) for voices and orchestra
Op. 257 The Decameron - Sixth Day (2016) for voices and orchestra
Op. 261 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 262 The Decameron - Seventh Day (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 266 The Decameron - Eighth Day (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 270 The Decameron - Ninth Day (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 273 Christmas, 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 274 New Year's Eve, 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 275 2018 (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 276 Roman de Favvel (The Horse-Ass Novel) (2018)
Op. 285 Dan Cook Canyon (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 289 The Decameron - Tenth Day (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 295 The Courtship of Inanna and Dumizi (2019)
Op. 324 Bach, Ballet, Balloons (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 328 Macbeth (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 329 Julius Caesar (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 330 No Exit (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 337 Seven Caliphs (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 338 Eight Pepins (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 340 Palestrina (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 341 Orpheus and Eurydice (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 367 The Decameron (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 36 Lot in Life (1988) for voices and instruments (Genesis 18-19)
Op. 47 Babel (1992) for voices and orchestra
Op. 52 Abraham and Isaac (1996) for voices and orchestra
Op. 54 Israel in Trouble (1997) for voices and instruments
Op. 55 The Passion According to St. Matthew (1997) for ensemble
Op. 57 Amazing Joseph (1997) for voices and instruments
Op. 63 Moses and Aaron (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 64 Joshua Fought the Battle (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 65 Samson and Delilah (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 66 Babe Ruth (Rhapsodi Israeli) (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 67 Saul! Saul! (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 69 King David (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 70 Solomon (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 71 Elijah Rock (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 72 The Nativity According to St. Matthew (1998) for ensemble
Op. 73 The Opera of Daniel (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op. 78 Esther Xerxes (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op. 79 Job: A Masque (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op 80 John and Salome (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op. 85 The Gospel According to St. Matthew (2000)
Op. 93 The Creation (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 97 Quartet for the Beginning of Time: Adam & Eve & Cain & Abel
Op. 98 Noah's Flood ("Noah, Noah"): A Mystery Play (2001)
Op. 106 The Nativity According to St. Luke (2002) for ensemble
Op. 145 St. Paul Suite (2007) for voices and instruments
Op. 168 The Bible (2008) for voices and instruments
Op. 169 Sex and the Bible: The Opera (2009)
Op. 173 Sex and Delilah (2009) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 224 Water Music (2014) for voices and orchestra
Op. 229 Sex and the Species (2014) for voices and ensemble
Op. 258 Jonah (2016) for voices and orchestra
Op. 263 Ezra Pounds (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 296 Book of Revelation (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 327 The Gospel According to St. John (2019)
Op. 356 Ezekiel Dry Bones (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 357 Four Prophets (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 358 Six Prophets (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 359 Unnatural Acts (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 363 Easter Dawning (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 365 Parables (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 411 Mark (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 366 Bernstein Orchestrations (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 369 Hovhaness Orchestrations (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 370 Honegger Orchestrations (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 371 Eitzen Orchestrations (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 399 Faure Orchestrations (2022) for voice and orchestra
Op. 9 Psalm (92) for the Sabbath Day (1977) for voice and keyboard
Op. 163 Songs of Degrees (2008) for voices and instruments
Op. 172 Psalms, Book I (2009) for voice(s) and instruments
Op. 188 Psalms, Book II (2011) for voices and instruments
Op. 197 Psalms, Book III (2011) for voices and instruments
Op. 202 Psalms, Book IV (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 218 Psalms, Book V (2013) for voices and instruments
Song Cycle
Op. 19 Academic Endeavors (1970) for keyboard and voice
Op. 24 Orpheus Cycle (1982) for voice and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 29 Street Songs (1985) for voice and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 30 Merton Songs (1986) for voice and keyboard
Op. 34 Songs for Rebecca (1988) for voice and keyboard
Op. 38 At a Photo Shop (1989) for voice and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 44 Helena Suite (1992) for voice(s) and keyboard(s or instruments)
Op. 48 San Fernando Hub (1993) for voices and instruments
Op. 49 Business As Usual (1993) for instrument(s and voice[s])
Op. 40 L.A. Stories (1994) for voices and instruments
Op. 51 San Rafael News (1995) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 53 Mice Suite No. 2 (1996) for voice(s) and instruments
Op. 56 For My Brother For My Brother (1997) for solo and keyboard
Op. 59 Mice Suite No. 3 (1998) for two voices and ensemble
Op. 74 Buddha's Little Instruction Book (1999) for trio
Op. 108 Blake House (2002) for voice(s) and keyboard
Op. 133 Rossetti Songs (2006) for voice and orchestra
Op. 137 From "Poems of My Heart" (2006) for voice(s) & instrument(s)
Op. 138 New Street Songs (2006) for voice and orchestra
Op. 140 One Page of a Swarthmore College Literary Magazine (2006)
Op. 141 Kipling Songs (2006) for voice and keyboard
Op. 147 The Musical Orbital (2007) for mixed media
Op. 149 The Desert (2007) for a hopeless array
Op. 150 Halfway Mark (2007) for voices and instruments
Op. 154 White Horse Suite (2008) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 156 Vocal Sonatina No. 1 ("Spitzer") (2008)
Op. 157 Vocal Sonatina No. 2 ("Vatsyayana") (2008)
Op. 158 Vocal Sonatina No. 3 ("Conforte") (2008)
Op. 159 Vocal Sonatina No. 4 ("Khayyam") (2008)
Op. 160 Vocal Sonatina No. 5 ("Angier") (2008)
Op. 166 Civic Disobediance (2008) for voices and instruments
Op. 186 Christmas Carrels (2010)
Op. 190 New Big People Old Trouble So Sunday (2011)
Op. 208 Troubadour Songs (2012) for voice and ensemble
Op. 212 Six Enneads (2013) for voice and orchestra
Op. 231 Portraits of ___ (Some Multiple of 3) Women (2014)
Op. 244 Street Signs (2015) for voices and instruments
Op. 253 Twelve Virelais (2016) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 256 To Those Who Come After: Three Elegies (2016)
Op. 271 Tropes on Britten's Songs from the Chinese (2017)
Op. 272 Fresh Voices I-XVII Chronology, in Thanks (2017)
Op. 273 Christmas, 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 274 New Year's Eve, 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 275 2018 (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 276 Roman de Favvel (The Horse-Ass Novel) (2018)
Op. 277 Book of Dreams, 2018 (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 323 Poems on Tennyson (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 334 Progressive Revelations (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 353 Palms to Pines Proposal (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 373 Book of Dreams, 2019 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 374 Book of Dreams, 2020 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 375 Book of Dreams, 2021 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 376 Book of Dreams, 2022 (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 377 English Folk Song Suite Revisited (2022) for voices/orchestra
Op. 385 Famous Last Notes (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 135 Big Beat Remix (2006) for MIDI orchestra
Op. 151 A Walk Through California (2007) for found sounds
Op. 153 History Phases (2007) for sound files
Op. 155 Flying Mixes (2008) for sound files
Op. 161 Genre Implosions No. 1 ("Mass Confusion") (2008) for sound
Op. 164 Alphabetic Homage[inizations] (2008) for sound files
Op. 165 Genre Implosions No. 2 ("Ages East") (2008) for sound files
Op. 167 Genre Implosions No. 3 ("Time Cyclone") (2008) for sound
Op. 185 Post-Minimalist Weddings (2010)
Op. 188 All the Effects in GarageBand (2011) for sound files
Op. 189 All the Effects in iMovie (2011) for sound files
Op. 193 100 Sound Effects (2011) for sound files
Op. 195 Acid Loops (2011) for sound files
Op. 210 Infinite Corporeal Music Generator (2013) for sound files
Op. 214 The Well-Tempered World (2013) for sound files
Op. 216 With No Thoughts of Plagiarism (2013) for sound files
Op. 195 Acid Loops (2011) for sound files
Op. 210 Infinite Corporeal Music Generator (2013) for sound files
Op. 214 The Well-Tempered World (2013) for sound files
Op. 216 With No Thoughts of Plagiarism (2013) for sound files
Op. 225 Histrionics (2014) for sound files
Op. 234 Conversations (2014) for sound files
Op. 249 Estampies (2016) for orchestra and sound files
Op. 254 That's How It Is on this Bitch of an Earth (2016) for sound files
Op. 267 Get Your Zen on Interstate 80-55-44-40-15-10 (2017)
Op. 273 Christmas, 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 274 New Year's Eve, 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 352 Backyard Theology (2021) for video
Op. 381 January 6, 2021 (2022) for video files
Op. 382 Catalogue of California Birds (2022) for sound/video files
Op. 383 Hymns (2022) for sound/video files
Op. 335 Music History (2020) for video
Op. 352 Backyard Theology (2021) for video
Op. 381 January 6, 2021 (2022) for video files
Op. 382 Catalogue of California Birds (2022) for sound/video files
Op. 383 Hymns (2022) for sound/video files
Op. 222 Abducted by Aliens (2014) for voices and orchestra
Op. 52 Abraham and Isaac (1996) for voices and orchestra
Op. 19 Academic Endeavors (1970) for keyboard and voice
Op. 227 Academic Endeavors II (2014) for ensemble
Op. 195 Acid Loops (2011) for sound files
Op. 27 Aerial Requiem (1985) for voices and instruments
Op. 234 Conversations (2014) for sound files
Op. 249 Estampies (2016) for orchestra and sound files
Op. 254 That's How It Is on this Bitch of an Earth (2016) for sound files
Op. 267 Get Your Zen on Interstate 80-55-44-40-15-10 (2017)
Op. 273 Christmas, 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 274 New Year's Eve, 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 352 Backyard Theology (2021) for video
Op. 381 January 6, 2021 (2022) for video files
Op. 382 Catalogue of California Birds (2022) for sound/video files
Op. 383 Hymns (2022) for sound/video files
Op. 335 Music History (2020) for video
Op. 352 Backyard Theology (2021) for video
Op. 381 January 6, 2021 (2022) for video files
Op. 382 Catalogue of California Birds (2022) for sound/video files
Op. 383 Hymns (2022) for sound/video files
Op. 222 Abducted by Aliens (2014) for voices and orchestra
Op. 52 Abraham and Isaac (1996) for voices and orchestra
Op. 19 Academic Endeavors (1970) for keyboard and voice
Op. 227 Academic Endeavors II (2014) for ensemble
Op. 195 Acid Loops (2011) for sound files
Op. 27 Aerial Requiem (1985) for voices and instruments
Op. 188 All the Effects in GarageBand (2011) for sound files
Op. 189 All the Effects in iMovie (2011)
Op. 232 Alma Maria Schindler Mahler Gropius Werfel (2014)
Op. 164 Alphabetic Homage[inizations] (2008) for sound files
Op. 57 Amazing Joseph (1997) for voices and instruments
Op. 180 An American Requiem (2010) for ensemble
Op. 76 Animal Farm (1999) for orchestra
Op. 95 Animal Opera: An Orwellian Comedy (2001)
Op. 88 Antigone (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 219 At a Medical Deposition (2013) for voice and instruments
Op. 38 At a Photo Shop (1989) for voice and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 372 Ave Maria (2021) for voices and percussion
Op. 184 Ave Maris Stella (2010)
Op. 47 Babel (1992) for voices and orchestra
Op. 66 Babe Ruth (Rhapsodi Israeli) (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 324 Bach, Ballet, Balloons (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 352 Backyard Theology (2021) for video
Op. 94 The Bald Soprano (2001) for voices and orchestra
Op. 348 Bartok Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 126 Bass Concerto ("Comrade") (2004)
Op. 120 Bassoon Concerto ("Grandmother") (2004)
Op. 81 The Beatitudes (1999) for voices and instruments
Op. 264 Beethoven Orchestrations (2017)
Op. 366 Bernstein Orchestrations (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 168 The Bible (2008) for voices and instruments
Op. 39 Big Beat (1990) for orchestra
Op. 135 Big Beat Remix (2006) for MIDI orchestra
Op. 108 Blake House (2002) for voice(s) and keyboard
Op. 401 Book Ephesians (2022)
Op. 277 Book of Dreams, 2018 (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 373 Book of Dreams, 2019 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 374 Book of Dreams, 2020 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 375 Book of Dreams, 2021 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 376 Book of Dreams, 2022 (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 296 Book of Revelation (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 15 Book (Prehistoric Atlas) (1979) for keyboard
Op. 297 Broke Dance Intermezzi: A (2019) for orchestra
Op. 298 Broke Dance Intermezzi: B (2019) for orchestra
Op. 299 Broke Dance Intermezzi: C (2019) for orchestra
Op. 300 Broke Dance Intermezzi: D (2019) for orchestra
Op. 301 Broke Dance Intermezzi: E (2019) for orchestra
Op. 302 Broke Dance Intermezzi: F (2019) for orchestra
Op. 303 Broke Dance Intermezzi: G (2019) for orchestra
Op. 304 Broke Dance Intermezzi: H (2019) for orchestra
Op. 305 Broke Dance Intermezzi: I (2019) for orchestra
Op. 306 Broke Dance Intermezzi: J (2019) for orchestra
Op. 307 Broke Dance Intermezzi: K (2019) for orchestra
Op. 308 Broke Dance Intermezzi: L (2019) for orchestra
Op. 309 Broke Dance Intermezzi: M (2019) for orchestra
Op. 310 Broke Dance Intermezzi: N (2019) for orchestra
Op. 311 Broke Dance Intermezzi: O (2019) for orchestra
Op. 312 Broke Dance Intermezzi: P (2019) for orchestra
Op. 313 Broke Dance Intermezzi: Q (2019) for orchestra
Op. 314 Broke Dance Intermezzi: R (2019) for orchestra
Op. 315 Broke Dance Intermezzi: S (2019) for orchestra
Op. 316 Broke Dance Intermezzi: T (2019) for orchestra
Op. 317 Broke Dance Intermezzi: U (2019) for orchestra
Op. 318 Broke Dance Intermezzi: V (2019) for orchestra
Op. 319 Broke Dance Intermezzi: W (2019) for orchestra
Op. 320 Broke Dance Intermezzi: X (2019) for orchestra
Op. 321 Broke Dance Intermezzi: Y (2019) for orchestra
Op. 322 Broke Dance Intermezzi: Z (2019) for orchestra
Op. 290 Broke Dance Suite (2018) for orchestra
Op. 74 Buddha's Little Instruction Book (1999) for trio
Op. 49 Business As Usual (1993) for instrument(s and voice[s])
Op. 110 Camino Real (2003) for voices and orchestra (or keyboard)
Op. 242 Canterbury Tales (2015) for voices and orchestra
Op. 382 Catalogue of California Birds (2022) for sound/video files
Op. 104 Cats, Dogs, and Divas (2001) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 125 Cello Concerto ("Roasted") (2004)
Op. 387 Cheapskate Rhythms (2022) for orchestra
Op. 409 Chicanery in G Minor (2022) for percussion quartet
Op. 282 Chopin Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 186 Christmas Carrels (2010)
Op. 273 Christmas, 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 166 Civic Disobediance (2008) for voices and instruments
Op. 115 Clarinet Concerto ("Matrimonial") (2004)
Op. 287 Cliff Variations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 351 Coast Range Summer (2021) for orchestra
Op. 395 Colossians Collisions (2022) for voices and ensemble
Op. 131 Concerto for Orchestra (2005) for orchestra
Op. 234 Conversations (2014) for sound files
Op. 198 The Cop and the Anthem (2011) for voices and instruments
Op. 189 All the Effects in iMovie (2011)
Op. 232 Alma Maria Schindler Mahler Gropius Werfel (2014)
Op. 164 Alphabetic Homage[inizations] (2008) for sound files
Op. 57 Amazing Joseph (1997) for voices and instruments
Op. 180 An American Requiem (2010) for ensemble
Op. 76 Animal Farm (1999) for orchestra
Op. 95 Animal Opera: An Orwellian Comedy (2001)
Op. 88 Antigone (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 219 At a Medical Deposition (2013) for voice and instruments
Op. 38 At a Photo Shop (1989) for voice and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 372 Ave Maria (2021) for voices and percussion
Op. 184 Ave Maris Stella (2010)
Op. 47 Babel (1992) for voices and orchestra
Op. 66 Babe Ruth (Rhapsodi Israeli) (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 324 Bach, Ballet, Balloons (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 352 Backyard Theology (2021) for video
Op. 94 The Bald Soprano (2001) for voices and orchestra
Op. 348 Bartok Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 126 Bass Concerto ("Comrade") (2004)
Op. 120 Bassoon Concerto ("Grandmother") (2004)
Op. 81 The Beatitudes (1999) for voices and instruments
Op. 264 Beethoven Orchestrations (2017)
Op. 366 Bernstein Orchestrations (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 168 The Bible (2008) for voices and instruments
Op. 39 Big Beat (1990) for orchestra
Op. 135 Big Beat Remix (2006) for MIDI orchestra
Op. 108 Blake House (2002) for voice(s) and keyboard
Op. 401 Book Ephesians (2022)
Op. 277 Book of Dreams, 2018 (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 373 Book of Dreams, 2019 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 374 Book of Dreams, 2020 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 375 Book of Dreams, 2021 (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 376 Book of Dreams, 2022 (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 296 Book of Revelation (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 15 Book (Prehistoric Atlas) (1979) for keyboard
Op. 297 Broke Dance Intermezzi: A (2019) for orchestra
Op. 298 Broke Dance Intermezzi: B (2019) for orchestra
Op. 299 Broke Dance Intermezzi: C (2019) for orchestra
Op. 300 Broke Dance Intermezzi: D (2019) for orchestra
Op. 301 Broke Dance Intermezzi: E (2019) for orchestra
Op. 302 Broke Dance Intermezzi: F (2019) for orchestra
Op. 303 Broke Dance Intermezzi: G (2019) for orchestra
Op. 304 Broke Dance Intermezzi: H (2019) for orchestra
Op. 305 Broke Dance Intermezzi: I (2019) for orchestra
Op. 306 Broke Dance Intermezzi: J (2019) for orchestra
Op. 307 Broke Dance Intermezzi: K (2019) for orchestra
Op. 308 Broke Dance Intermezzi: L (2019) for orchestra
Op. 309 Broke Dance Intermezzi: M (2019) for orchestra
Op. 310 Broke Dance Intermezzi: N (2019) for orchestra
Op. 311 Broke Dance Intermezzi: O (2019) for orchestra
Op. 312 Broke Dance Intermezzi: P (2019) for orchestra
Op. 313 Broke Dance Intermezzi: Q (2019) for orchestra
Op. 314 Broke Dance Intermezzi: R (2019) for orchestra
Op. 315 Broke Dance Intermezzi: S (2019) for orchestra
Op. 316 Broke Dance Intermezzi: T (2019) for orchestra
Op. 317 Broke Dance Intermezzi: U (2019) for orchestra
Op. 318 Broke Dance Intermezzi: V (2019) for orchestra
Op. 319 Broke Dance Intermezzi: W (2019) for orchestra
Op. 320 Broke Dance Intermezzi: X (2019) for orchestra
Op. 321 Broke Dance Intermezzi: Y (2019) for orchestra
Op. 322 Broke Dance Intermezzi: Z (2019) for orchestra
Op. 290 Broke Dance Suite (2018) for orchestra
Op. 74 Buddha's Little Instruction Book (1999) for trio
Op. 49 Business As Usual (1993) for instrument(s and voice[s])
Op. 110 Camino Real (2003) for voices and orchestra (or keyboard)
Op. 242 Canterbury Tales (2015) for voices and orchestra
Op. 382 Catalogue of California Birds (2022) for sound/video files
Op. 104 Cats, Dogs, and Divas (2001) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 125 Cello Concerto ("Roasted") (2004)
Op. 387 Cheapskate Rhythms (2022) for orchestra
Op. 409 Chicanery in G Minor (2022) for percussion quartet
Op. 282 Chopin Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 186 Christmas Carrels (2010)
Op. 273 Christmas, 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 166 Civic Disobediance (2008) for voices and instruments
Op. 115 Clarinet Concerto ("Matrimonial") (2004)
Op. 287 Cliff Variations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 351 Coast Range Summer (2021) for orchestra
Op. 395 Colossians Collisions (2022) for voices and ensemble
Op. 131 Concerto for Orchestra (2005) for orchestra
Op. 234 Conversations (2014) for sound files
Op. 198 The Cop and the Anthem (2011) for voices and instruments
Op. 295 The Courtship of Inanna and Dumizi (2019)
Op. 332 Cowell Orchestrations (2019) for orchestra
Op. 93 The Creation (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 228 Cristobal Colon (2014) for voices and orchestra
Op. 32 Crystal Series (1987) for oboe(s) and keyboard
Op. 248 Cynthia, Scott & Trombone, Me & Cello in Scion (2015)
Op. 285 Dan Cook Canyon (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 283 Debussy Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 367 The Decameron (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 200 The Decameron - First Day (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 332 Cowell Orchestrations (2019) for orchestra
Op. 93 The Creation (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 228 Cristobal Colon (2014) for voices and orchestra
Op. 32 Crystal Series (1987) for oboe(s) and keyboard
Op. 248 Cynthia, Scott & Trombone, Me & Cello in Scion (2015)
Op. 285 Dan Cook Canyon (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 283 Debussy Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 367 The Decameron (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 200 The Decameron - First Day (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 203 The Decameron - Second Day (2012)
Op. 205 The Decameron - Third Day (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 211 The Decameron - Fourth Day (2013) for voices and instruments
Op. 247 The Decameron - Fifth Day (2015)
Op. 257 The Decameron - Sixth Day (2016) for voices and orchestra
Op. 262 The Decameron - Seventh Day (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 266 The Decameron - Eighth Day (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 270 The Decameron - Ninth Day (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 289 The Decameron - Tenth Day (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 393 Delicate Balances (2022) for orchestra
Op. 43 Deploration Passacaglias (1992) for keyboardOp. 205 The Decameron - Third Day (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 211 The Decameron - Fourth Day (2013) for voices and instruments
Op. 247 The Decameron - Fifth Day (2015)
Op. 257 The Decameron - Sixth Day (2016) for voices and orchestra
Op. 262 The Decameron - Seventh Day (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 266 The Decameron - Eighth Day (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 270 The Decameron - Ninth Day (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 289 The Decameron - Tenth Day (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 393 Delicate Balances (2022) for orchestra
Op. 149 The Desert (2007) for a hopeless array
Op. 130 Diabolic Variations (2005) for keyboard
Op. 279 D'Indy Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 90 Diocletian: A Pagan Opera (2000)
Op. 397 The Disharmonius Blacksmith (2022)
Op. 204 Double Piano Concerto ("Fellow Travellers") (2012)
Op. 22 Duo Sonata No. 1 ("Hyphenated") (1981)
Op. 31 Duo Sonata No. 2 ("Wasatch") (1986) for viola and percussion
Op. 363 Easter Dawning (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 3 Eccclesiastes, or The Preacher, (1975) for voice(s) and orchestra
Op. 129 Ecclesiastes Tropes (2005) for voice(s) and keyboard
Op. 377 English Folk Song Suite Revisited (2022) for voices/orchestra
Op. 338 Eight Pepins (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 252 Eight Waltzes (2016) for orchestra
Op. 371 Eitzen Orchestrations (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 176 Elijah Ghost (2009) for orchestra
Op. 71 Elijah Rock (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 20 Embedded Inventions (1979) for keyboard
Op. 113 Endgame (2004) for four voices and orchestra (or keyboard)
Op. 249 Estampies (2016) for orchestra and sound files
Op. 78 Esther Xerxes (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op. 356 Ezekiel Dry Bones (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 263 Ezra Pounds (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 233 Fallen Angels (2014) for voices and orchestra
Op. 385 Famous Last Notes (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 243 Faulte d'Argent (The Problem with Money) (2015)
Op. 399 Faure Orchestrations (2022) for voice and orchestra
Op. 326 15 Inventions ("Technological") for instrument(s)
Op. 368 Fine [Marshall] Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 378 1 Corinthians 13 (2022) for voice and percussion
Op. 84 Flute Concerto ("Mythological") (2000)
Op. 155 Flying Mixes (2008) for sound files
Op. 103 Flying Out the Mouth for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 56 For My Brother For My Brother (1997) for solo and keyboard
Op. 245 Four Michaels (Zodiac after the Book of Jude) (2015)
Op. 12 Four Processions (1978) for string quintet
Op. 22 Duo Sonata No. 1 ("Hyphenated") (1981)
Op. 31 Duo Sonata No. 2 ("Wasatch") (1986) for viola and percussion
Op. 363 Easter Dawning (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 3 Eccclesiastes, or The Preacher, (1975) for voice(s) and orchestra
Op. 129 Ecclesiastes Tropes (2005) for voice(s) and keyboard
Op. 377 English Folk Song Suite Revisited (2022) for voices/orchestra
Op. 338 Eight Pepins (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 252 Eight Waltzes (2016) for orchestra
Op. 371 Eitzen Orchestrations (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 176 Elijah Ghost (2009) for orchestra
Op. 71 Elijah Rock (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 20 Embedded Inventions (1979) for keyboard
Op. 113 Endgame (2004) for four voices and orchestra (or keyboard)
Op. 249 Estampies (2016) for orchestra and sound files
Op. 78 Esther Xerxes (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op. 356 Ezekiel Dry Bones (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 263 Ezra Pounds (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 233 Fallen Angels (2014) for voices and orchestra
Op. 385 Famous Last Notes (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 243 Faulte d'Argent (The Problem with Money) (2015)
Op. 399 Faure Orchestrations (2022) for voice and orchestra
Op. 326 15 Inventions ("Technological") for instrument(s)
Op. 368 Fine [Marshall] Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 378 1 Corinthians 13 (2022) for voice and percussion
Op. 84 Flute Concerto ("Mythological") (2000)
Op. 155 Flying Mixes (2008) for sound files
Op. 103 Flying Out the Mouth for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 56 For My Brother For My Brother (1997) for solo and keyboard
Op. 245 Four Michaels (Zodiac after the Book of Jude) (2015)
Op. 12 Four Processions (1978) for string quintet
Op. 357 Four Prophets (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 402 The Four Temperaments (2022) for orchestra
Op. 272 Fresh Voices I-XVII Chronology, in Thanks (2017)
Op. 137 From "Poems of My Heart" (2006) for voice(s) & instrument(s)
Op. 161 Genre Implosions No. 1 ("Mass Confusion") (2008) for sound
Op. 165 Genre Implosions No. 2 ("Ages East") for sound files
Op. 167 Genre Implosions No. 3 ("Time Cyclone") for sound files
Op. 267 Get Your Zen on Interstate 80-55-44-40-15-10 (2017)
Op. 105 Gloria (2002) for voices and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 403 Gnomentary (2022) for cello and orchestra
Op. 327 The Gospel According to St. John (2019)
Op. 85 The Gospel According to St. Matthew (2000)
Op. 134 Grande Suite ("Sol[ar]") (2006) for orchestra
Op. 144 Grating Prelude (2007) for orchestra
Op. 226 Gravity and Comedy (2014) for performers
Op. 255 The Great Widow (2016) for voices and orchestra
Op. 405 Grosseteste and Swineshead (2022)
Op. 150 Halfway Mark (2007) for voices and instruments
Op. 213 Hamlet (2013) for voices and orchestra
Op. 400 Handel Orchestrations (2022)
Op. 209 The Harmonies of the World (2012) for ensembleOp. 402 The Four Temperaments (2022) for orchestra
Op. 272 Fresh Voices I-XVII Chronology, in Thanks (2017)
Op. 137 From "Poems of My Heart" (2006) for voice(s) & instrument(s)
Op. 161 Genre Implosions No. 1 ("Mass Confusion") (2008) for sound
Op. 165 Genre Implosions No. 2 ("Ages East") for sound files
Op. 167 Genre Implosions No. 3 ("Time Cyclone") for sound files
Op. 267 Get Your Zen on Interstate 80-55-44-40-15-10 (2017)
Op. 105 Gloria (2002) for voices and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 403 Gnomentary (2022) for cello and orchestra
Op. 327 The Gospel According to St. John (2019)
Op. 85 The Gospel According to St. Matthew (2000)
Op. 134 Grande Suite ("Sol[ar]") (2006) for orchestra
Op. 144 Grating Prelude (2007) for orchestra
Op. 226 Gravity and Comedy (2014) for performers
Op. 255 The Great Widow (2016) for voices and orchestra
Op. 405 Grosseteste and Swineshead (2022)
Op. 150 Halfway Mark (2007) for voices and instruments
Op. 213 Hamlet (2013) for voices and orchestra
Op. 400 Handel Orchestrations (2022)
Op. 123 Harp Concerto ("Ballerina") (2004)
Op. 380 Hebrews 11-12 (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 44 Helena Suite (1992) for voice(s) and keyboard(s or instruments)
Op. 77 Henry Miller in Brooklyn (1999) for 3 singers and 9 instruments
Op. 153 History Phases (2007) for sound files
Op. 225 Histrionics (2014) for sound files
Op. 343 Honecker Honegger (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 370 Honegger Orchestrations (2021) for voice orchestra
Op. 114 Horn Concerto ("Sherlock") (2004) for horn and orchestra
Op. 369 Hovhaness Orchestrations (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 404 Hymn Edits (2022) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 383 Hymns (2022) for sound/video files
Op 46 Iliad Songs (1992) for voices and orchestra
Op. 355 Imagination Dead Imagine (2021) for performers
Op. 333 Incipit Quodlibet (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 210 Infinite Corporeal Music Generator (2013) for sound files
Op. 199 The Inner Circles (2011) for cello, piano, and percussion
Op. 217 Instant Orchestrations (2013) for ensemble
Op. 7 Interrupted Interludes (1977) for keyboardOp. 217 Instant Orchestrations (2013) for ensemble
Op. 175 Isaiah (2009) for voices and orchestra
Op. 54 Israel in Trouble (1997) for voices and instruments
Op. 331 Ives Orchestrations (2019) for orchestra
Op. 381 January 6, 2021 (2022) for video files
Op. 278 Jeremiah Lamentations (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 79 Job: A Masque (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op. 80 John and Salome (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op. 183 John John John (2010)
Op. 258 Jonah (2016) for voices and orchestra
Op. 64 Joshua Fought the Battle (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 329 Julius Caesar (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 361 Just James (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 69 King David (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 174 King David Suite (2009) for orchestra
Op. 141 Kipling Songs (2006) for voice and keyboard
Op. 50 L.A. Stories (1994) for voices and instruments
Op. 281 Leonin Locale (Crossword Puzzle 5/23/18) (2018)
Op. 360 The Letters (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 391 Lies (2022) for vocal duo and orchestra
Op. 394 Little Boy Blue (2022) for voice and orchestra
Op. 89 The Little Prince (2000) for voices and pierrot ensemble
Op. 36 Lot in Life (1988) for voices and instruments (Genesis 18-19)
Op. 5 The Lord's Prayer (1975) for soloists, choir, and keyboard
Op. 328 Macbeth (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 86 Magnificat (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 207 Mairzy Variations (2012) for piano four-hands
Op. 182 Malachi (2010)
Op. 221 Mandela Mandala (2013) for sound files
Op. 411 Mark (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 259 Mark and Jerry Go to the CVS (2016) for orchestra
Op. 28 Mary Variations (1985) for keyboard
Op. 345 Mass in C Minus (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 288 Medieval Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 30 Merton Songs (1986) for voice and keyboard
Op. 45 Mice and Men (1992) for voices and orchestra
Op. 41 Mice Suite No. 1 (1991) for orchestra
Op. 53 Mice Suite No. 2 (1996) for voice(s) and instruments
Op. 59 Mice Suite No. 3 (1998) for two voices and ensemble
Op. 68 Mice Suites (1998) for voices and instruments
Op. 408 Mikhail's Navy (2022) for orchestra
Op. 284 Milhaud Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 35 Missa California (1988) for voices and instruments
Op. 336 Missa in Tempore Pandemonia (2020)
Op. 21 Missa "The a deux" (1980) for voices and instruments
Op. 384 Modern Painters (2022) for orchestra
Op. 63 Moses and Aaron (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 396 Mozart [W.A.] Orchestrations (2022)
Op. 147 The Musical Orbital (2007) for mixed media
Op. 335 Music History (2020) for video
Op. 106 The Nativity According to St. Luke (2002) for ensemble
Op. 72 The Nativity According to St. Matthew (1998) for ensemble
Op. 190 New Big People Old Trouble So Sunday (2011)
Op. 139 New Crystal Series (2006) for oboe(s) and orchestra
Op. 138 New Street Songs (2006) for voice and orchestra
Op. 274 New Year's Eve, 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 98 Noah's Flood ("Noah, Noah"): A Mystery Play (2001)
Op. 10 Nocturnes for Insomniacs (1978) for violin and keyboard
Op. 330 No Exit (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 118 Oboe Concerto ("Wanderer") (2004)
Op. 89 The Little Prince (2000) for voices and pierrot ensemble
Op. 36 Lot in Life (1988) for voices and instruments (Genesis 18-19)
Op. 5 The Lord's Prayer (1975) for soloists, choir, and keyboard
Op. 328 Macbeth (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 86 Magnificat (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 207 Mairzy Variations (2012) for piano four-hands
Op. 182 Malachi (2010)
Op. 221 Mandela Mandala (2013) for sound files
Op. 411 Mark (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 259 Mark and Jerry Go to the CVS (2016) for orchestra
Op. 28 Mary Variations (1985) for keyboard
Op. 345 Mass in C Minus (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 288 Medieval Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 30 Merton Songs (1986) for voice and keyboard
Op. 45 Mice and Men (1992) for voices and orchestra
Op. 41 Mice Suite No. 1 (1991) for orchestra
Op. 53 Mice Suite No. 2 (1996) for voice(s) and instruments
Op. 59 Mice Suite No. 3 (1998) for two voices and ensemble
Op. 68 Mice Suites (1998) for voices and instruments
Op. 408 Mikhail's Navy (2022) for orchestra
Op. 284 Milhaud Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 35 Missa California (1988) for voices and instruments
Op. 336 Missa in Tempore Pandemonia (2020)
Op. 21 Missa "The a deux" (1980) for voices and instruments
Op. 384 Modern Painters (2022) for orchestra
Op. 63 Moses and Aaron (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 396 Mozart [W.A.] Orchestrations (2022)
Op. 147 The Musical Orbital (2007) for mixed media
Op. 335 Music History (2020) for video
Op. 106 The Nativity According to St. Luke (2002) for ensemble
Op. 72 The Nativity According to St. Matthew (1998) for ensemble
Op. 190 New Big People Old Trouble So Sunday (2011)
Op. 139 New Crystal Series (2006) for oboe(s) and orchestra
Op. 138 New Street Songs (2006) for voice and orchestra
Op. 274 New Year's Eve, 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 98 Noah's Flood ("Noah, Noah"): A Mystery Play (2001)
Op. 10 Nocturnes for Insomniacs (1978) for violin and keyboard
Op. 330 No Exit (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 118 Oboe Concerto ("Wanderer") (2004)
Op. 140 One Page of a Swarthmore College Literary Magazine (2006)
Op. 112 On the Road (2004) for voices and orchestra (or keyboard)
Op. 73 The Opera of Daniel (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op. 294 Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 341 Orpheus and Eurydice (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 24 Orpheus Cycle (1982) for voice and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 107 Out on the Porch (2002) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 340 Palestrina (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 353 Palms to Pines Proposal (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 349 Pandemische Absage von Konzerten (2021) for orchestra
Op. 365 Parables (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 55 The Passion According to St. Matthew (1997) for ensemble
Op. 124 Percussion Concerto ("Dictator") (2004)
Op. 386 Periodic Table (2022) for orchestra
Op. 362 Peter Peter (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 407 Philemon (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 122 Piano Concerto ("Child's Play") (2004)
Op. 230 Pictures at Rodie's Exhibition (2014) for orchestra
Op. 116 The Pied Piper of Hamelin: A Child's Opera (2004)
Op. 132 Pied Piper Suite: Concertino (2005) for orchestra
Op. 177 Pini di Surriento (2009) for orchestra
Op. 111 The Playboy of the Western World (2003) for ensemble
Op. 342 Poeme Acoustique (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 4 Poems on Crane (1975) for mixed chorus (after Stephen Crane)
Op. 323 Poems on Tennyson (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 231 Portraits of ___ (Some Multiple of 3) Women (2014)
Op. 11 Portraits of Three Players (1978) for flute and keyboard
Op. 185 Post-Minimalist Weddings (2010)
Op. 334 Progressive Revelations (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 280 Prokofiev Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 364 Proverbs (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 1 Psalm 6 (1974) for oboe(s) (and high-hat cymbals)
Op. 9 Psalm (92) for the Sabbath Day (1977) for voice and keyboard
Op. 172 Psalms, Book I (2009) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 197 Psalms, Book II (2011) for voices and instruments
Op. 112 On the Road (2004) for voices and orchestra (or keyboard)
Op. 73 The Opera of Daniel (1999) for voices and orchestra
Op. 294 Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 341 Orpheus and Eurydice (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 24 Orpheus Cycle (1982) for voice and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 107 Out on the Porch (2002) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 340 Palestrina (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 353 Palms to Pines Proposal (2021) for voice and orchestra
Op. 349 Pandemische Absage von Konzerten (2021) for orchestra
Op. 365 Parables (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 55 The Passion According to St. Matthew (1997) for ensemble
Op. 124 Percussion Concerto ("Dictator") (2004)
Op. 386 Periodic Table (2022) for orchestra
Op. 362 Peter Peter (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 407 Philemon (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 122 Piano Concerto ("Child's Play") (2004)
Op. 230 Pictures at Rodie's Exhibition (2014) for orchestra
Op. 116 The Pied Piper of Hamelin: A Child's Opera (2004)
Op. 132 Pied Piper Suite: Concertino (2005) for orchestra
Op. 177 Pini di Surriento (2009) for orchestra
Op. 111 The Playboy of the Western World (2003) for ensemble
Op. 342 Poeme Acoustique (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 4 Poems on Crane (1975) for mixed chorus (after Stephen Crane)
Op. 323 Poems on Tennyson (2019) for voices and orchestra
Op. 231 Portraits of ___ (Some Multiple of 3) Women (2014)
Op. 11 Portraits of Three Players (1978) for flute and keyboard
Op. 185 Post-Minimalist Weddings (2010)
Op. 334 Progressive Revelations (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 280 Prokofiev Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 364 Proverbs (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 1 Psalm 6 (1974) for oboe(s) (and high-hat cymbals)
Op. 9 Psalm (92) for the Sabbath Day (1977) for voice and keyboard
Op. 172 Psalms, Book I (2009) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 197 Psalms, Book II (2011) for voices and instruments
Op. 197 Psalms, Book III (2011) for voices and instruments
Op. 202 Psalms, Book IV (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 218 Psalms, Book V (2013) for voices and instruments
Op. 202 Psalms, Book IV (2012) for voices and instruments
Op. 218 Psalms, Book V (2013) for voices and instruments
Op. 83 Quadruple Concerto ("Metal") (1999)
Op. 97 Quartet for the Beginning of Time: Adam & Eve & Cain & Abel
Op. 250 Quintet ("Bullets") for orchestra (2016)
Op. 170 Raga Improvisations (2009) for instruments
Op. 237 Raising Messiah (2015) for voices and orchestra
Op. 291 Ravel Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 196 Regime Change (2011) for (voices and) orchestra
Op. 293 Renaissance Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 142 The Ring of Harriet (2006) for voices and orchestra
Op. 276 Roman de Favvel (The Horse-Ass Novel) (2018)
Op. 379 Romans 8: 24-25 (2022) for voices and orchestra
Op. 133 Rossetti Songs (2006) for voice and orchestra
Op. 240 Saigon Agonistes (2015) for voices and orchestra
Op. 178 Salome Suite (2009) for orchestra
Op. 65 Samson and Delilah (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 48 San Fernando Hub (1993) for voices and instruments
Op. 51 San Rafael News (1995) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 33 San Timoteo Can[yon]tata (1988) for voices and instruments
Op. 292 Satie Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 67 Saul! Saul! (1998) for voices and orchestra
Op. 347 Scarlatti Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 14 Seasons' Eves (1978) for double-reed (or harp) duet
Op. 410 Secret Service (2022) for brass quartet
Op. 235 Sejong the Great (2015) for pierrot ensemble
Op. 389 The Selfish Gene (2022) for orchestra
Op. 23 Sequence Music (1982) for a (piano) trio
Op. 406 Serenade on Swedish Meatballs (2022)
Op. 337 Seven Caliphs (2020) for voices and orchestra
Op. 173 Sex and Delilah (2009) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 169 Sex and the Bible: The Opera (2009)
Op. 171 Sex and the Orchestra (2009)
Op. 229 Sex and the Species (2014) for voices and ensemble
Op. 286 Shostakovich Orchestrations (2018) for orchestra
Op. 241 Sinfonia No. 1 ("2 Webernian Ages") (2015)
Op. 412 Sinfonia No. 2 ("4 Ovidian Ages") (2022)
Op. 26 Sinfonietta (1984) for orchestra
Op. 136 Sinfonietta-Suite ("En Attendant Godot") (2006) for orchestra
Op. 109 Six Characters in Search of an Author (2003) for ensemble
Op. 212 Six Enneads (2013) for voice and orchestra
Op. 239 Six Little Marys (2015) for keyboard
Op. 358 Six Prophets (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 16 Some Stuff (1979) for mixed quintet
Op. 181 The Song of Solomon (2010)
Op. 34 Songs for Rebecca (1988) for voice and keyboard
Op. 163 Songs of Degrees (2008) for voices and instruments
Op. 38 Spectral Preludes (1989) for keyboard or ensemble
Op. 25 Stolen Students (1983) for keyboard
Op. 145 St. Paul Suite (2007) for voices and instruments
Op. 354 Stravinsky Orchestrations (2021) for orchestra
Op. 244 Street Signs (2015) for voices and instruments
Op. 29 Street Songs (1985) for voice and keyboard (or instruments)
Op. 2 Suite ("Sol[ar]") (1975) for oboe, piano, and percussion
Op. 350 Symphonic First Greeting Preludes (2021) for orchestra
Op. 61 Symphony No. 1 in C Major, Op. 21 ("It wasn't classical...")
Op. 62 Symphony No. 2 ("Tamalpais") (1998)
Op. 75 Symphony No. 3 ("Recycled") (1999) for orchestra
Op. 82 Symphony No. 4 ("Sequence") (1999) for orchestra
Op. 99 Symphony No. 5 ("An American's Reply") (2001)
Op. 100 Symphony No. 6 ("Apathetic") (2001) for orchestra
Op. 101 Symphony No. 7 ("Tragicomic") (2001) for orchestra
Op, 102 Symphony No. 8 ("Unending") (2001) for orchestra
Op. 117 Symphony No. 9 ("From the West") (2004) for orchestra
Op. 254 That's How It Is on this Bitch of an Earth (2016) for sound files
Op. 269 That Which Survives (2017)
Op. 58 The Ten Commandments (1997) for voices and instruments
Op. 143 Textbook (2007) for orchestra
Op. 392 3 Crumb Tropes (2022) from Decameron: 5th Day
Op. 223 371 Chorale Cadences (2014) for keyboard / orchestra
Op. 13 Three Places in America (For Four) (1978) for quartet
Op. 215 Three Sacred Choruses (2013) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 346 Toch Orchestratiions (2021) for orchestra
Op. 238 Totem Variations (2015) for flute and keyboard
Op. 256 To Those Who Come After: Three Elegies (2016)
Op. 201 Triple Concerto ("Family") (2012) for bn, cbn, & hp
Op. 92 Trombone Concerto ("Flute Players") (2000)
Op. 271 Tropes on Britten's Songs from the Chinese (2017)
Op. 208 Troubadour Songs (2012) for voice and ensemble
Op. 146 Trout Fishing in America (2007) for voices and instruments
Op. 40 Trumpet Concerto ("Macho Concertino")
Op. 121 Tuba Concerto ("Pasteurized") (2004)
Op. 8 The Twelve Fingers (1977) for keyboard
Op. 127 Twelve Pieces for Orchestra (2005)
Op. 60 Twelve Preludes and Fugues ("Topical") (1998) for keyboard
Op. 236 Twelve-Tonary (2015) for keyboard
Op. 253 Twelve Virelais (2016) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 162 Twenty-Four Preludes and Fugues ("Standards") (2008)
Op. 17 Two and a Half Pieces (1979) for flute, 2 trombones, and tuba
Op. 206 Two Political Interludes (2012) for piano
Op. 261 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 275 2018 (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 91 Uncle Vanya (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 359 Unnatural Acts (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 6 Variations and Theme (1976) for keyboard
Op. 148 Variations on Americana (2007) for orchestra
Op. 268 Variations on Variations of Brahms's Theme of Haydn (2017)
Op. 179 Vespers (2010) for voices and orchestra
Op. 119 Viola Concerto ("Felicitations") (2004)
Op. 87 Violin Concerto ("Ticklish") (2000)
Op. 156 Vocal Sonatina No. 1 ("Spitzer") (2008)
Op. 157 Vocal Sonatina No. 2 ("Vatsyayana") (2008)
Op. 158 Vocal Sonatina No. 3 ("Conforte") (2008)
Op. 159 Vocal Sonatina No. 4 ("Khayyam") (2008)
Op. 160 Vocal Sonatina No. 5 ("Angier") (2008)
Op. 128 Waiting for Godot (2005) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 151 A Walk Through California (2007) for found sounds
Op. 224 Water Music (2014) for voices and orchestra
Op. 214 The Well-Tempered World (2013) for sound files
Op. 42 Westminster Tropes (1991) for voices and instruments
Op. 154 White Horse Suite (2008) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 96 The Wind God (2001) for voice and keyboard (or orchestra)
Op. 216 With No Thoughts of Plagiarism (2013) for sound files
Op. 18 Yellow River Concerto II (1979) for oboe and violin (percussion)
Op. 206 Two Political Interludes (2012) for piano
Op. 261 2017 (2017) for voices and orchestra
Op. 275 2018 (2018) for voices and orchestra
Op. 91 Uncle Vanya (2000) for voices and orchestra
Op. 359 Unnatural Acts (2021) for voices and orchestra
Op. 6 Variations and Theme (1976) for keyboard
Op. 148 Variations on Americana (2007) for orchestra
Op. 268 Variations on Variations of Brahms's Theme of Haydn (2017)
Op. 179 Vespers (2010) for voices and orchestra
Op. 119 Viola Concerto ("Felicitations") (2004)
Op. 87 Violin Concerto ("Ticklish") (2000)
Op. 156 Vocal Sonatina No. 1 ("Spitzer") (2008)
Op. 157 Vocal Sonatina No. 2 ("Vatsyayana") (2008)
Op. 158 Vocal Sonatina No. 3 ("Conforte") (2008)
Op. 159 Vocal Sonatina No. 4 ("Khayyam") (2008)
Op. 160 Vocal Sonatina No. 5 ("Angier") (2008)
Op. 128 Waiting for Godot (2005) for voices and instrument(s)
Op. 151 A Walk Through California (2007) for found sounds
Op. 224 Water Music (2014) for voices and orchestra
Op. 214 The Well-Tempered World (2013) for sound files
Op. 42 Westminster Tropes (1991) for voices and instruments
Op. 154 White Horse Suite (2008) for voice(s) and instrument(s)
Op. 96 The Wind God (2001) for voice and keyboard (or orchestra)
Op. 216 With No Thoughts of Plagiarism (2013) for sound files
Op. 18 Yellow River Concerto II (1979) for oboe and violin (percussion)