Op. 209 THE HARMONIES OF THE WORLD (November 12, 2012)
For Ensemble, after Johannes Kepler
I. In What Things Having to Do with the Planetary Movements
Have the Harmonic Consonances Been Expressed by the
Creator, and in What Way?
II. In the Ratios of the Planetary Movements which are
Apparent as It Were to Spectators at the Sun, Have Been
Expressed the Pitches of the Sustem, or Notes of the Musical
Scale, and the Modes of Song [Genera Cantus], the Major
and the Minor
III. In the Extreme Planetary Movements the Musical Modes or
Tones Have Somehow Been Expressed
IV. The Universal Consonance of All Six Planets,
Like Four-Part Counterpoint, Can Exist
Monday, November 12, 2012
The Harmonies of the World, Op. 209
Monday, October 22, 2012
Troubadour Songs, Op. 208
Op. 208 TROUBADOUR SONGS (October 22, 2012)
For Troubadour(s)/Jongleur(s) and Ensemble (1111 2Perc Strings)
I. William IX of Aquitaine (1071–1126)
Farai un vers pos mi sonelh
II. Marcabru (c. 1100-1150)
L'autrier jost'una sebissa
III. Jaufre Rudel (1117-1147)
Quan lo rius de la fontana
IV. Bernart de Ventadorn (1130–1200)
Non es meravelha s'en chan
V. Guiraut de Bornelh (c. 1138 – 1215)
Reis glorios
VI. Bertran de Born (1140 – 1215)
Rassa, tan creis
VII. Raimbaut de Vaqueiras (1150-1207)
Kalinda maya
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
The Decameron - Third Day, Op. 205
Op. 205 THE DECAMERON (September 24, 2012)
100 Novels for Voices and Instruments
THIRD DAY / Introduction
Novel I. Masetto da Lamporecchio Feigns to Be Dumb
Novel II. A Groom Lies with the Wife of King Agilulf
Novel III. A Lady Induces a Booby Friar to Provide a Means to the Entire Gratification of her Passion
Novel IV. Dom Felice Has a Good Time with Fra Puccio's Wife
Novel V. Ricciardo Zima Gives a Horse to Messer Francesco Vergellesi
Novel VI. Ricciardo Minutolo Induces the Jealous Catella Fighinolfi into a Rendezvous
Novel VII. Tedaldo Elisei Delivers the Husband of Monna Ermellina from Peril of Death
Novel VIII. Ferondo, Having Taken a Certain Powder, Is Disinterred by the Abbot, Who Enjoys his Wife
Novel IX. Gillette of Narbonne Craves Bertrand de Roussillon
Novel X. Alibech Turns Hermit, and Rustico, a Monk, Teaches Her to Put the Devil in Hell
Friday, June 8, 2012
Double Piano Concerto ("Fellow Travellers"), Op. 204
(June 8, 2012)
For Piano Four-Hands and Orchestra (2222 22231 2Perc Strings)
I. Allegro Troppo
II. Larghetto
III. Allegro Molto
Old First Presbyterian Church
Saturday, June 2, 2012
The Decameron - Second Day, Op. 203
Op. 203 THE DECAMERON - SECOND DAY (June 2, 2012)
100 Novels for Voices and Instruments
SECOND DAY / Introduction
Novel I. Martellino Pretends to Be a Paralytic
Novel II. Rinaldo d'Asti Is Robbed
Novel III. Allesandro Falls in with an Abbot
Novel IV. Landolfo Ruffolo Turns Corsair and Is Shipwrecked
Novel V. Andreuccio da Perugia Meets with Three Serious Adventures in One Night
Novel VI. Madam Beritola Loses Two Sons and Goes to Lunigiana
Novel VII. The Soldan of Babylon's Daughter Comes Into the Hands of Nine Men
Novel VIII. The Count of Antwerp Goes into Exile
Novel IX. Bernabo of Genoa, Deceived by Ambrogiuolo,
Commands his Innocent Wife Be Put to Death
Novel X. Paganino da Monaco carries off the wife of Messer Ricciardo di Chinzica
(Complete Works, Volume 94)
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Psalms, Book IV, Op. 202
For Voice(s) and Orchestra
(March 11, 2012)
Psalm 90 "Lord Thou Hast Been Our Dwelling Place
(A Prayer of Moses, the Man of God) [Ives] [G89]
Psalm 91 "For He Shall Give His Angels"
[Mendelssohn - Psalm 91] [G90]
Psalm 92 (A Psalm - A Psalm for the Sabbath [Day])
[Josquin / Schubert - Mass in G Major] [G91]
1-4 ...psaltery...
12-15...palm trees...
Psalm 93 "Dominus Regnavit" [Josquin] [G92]
Psalm 94 "Oh Lord God,
to Whom Vengeance Belongeth"
[Ruebke / Messiaen - Quartet] [G93]
Psalm 95 "O Come, Let Us Sing Unto the Lord"
[Mendelssohn] [G94]
Psalm 96 "Cantate Domino" [Buxtehude] [G95]
Psalm 97 "The Lord's King! Earth, Be Glad!
Rejoice, You Islands of the Seas!"
[Alburger - Bald Soprano: Headcold] [G96]
Psalm 98 (A Psalm) "Sing to the Lord a New Song"
[Viderunt Hemanuel - School of St. Martial -
Melismatic Organum / Mendelssohn] [G97]
Psalm 99 "The Lord Reigns" [Verdi - Aida] [G98]
Psalm 100 (A Psalm for the Thank Offering)
[Bernstein I / Ives] [G99]
Psalm 101 (A Psalm of David)
"I Will Sing of Mercy and of Judgement"
[Elijah Rock] [G100]
Psalm 102 (A Prayer of One Afflicted)
[Bartok - Music for Strings, Percussion,
and Celesta: II] [G101]
Psalm 103 (A Psalm of David)
"O Bless the Lord My Soul"
[Schwartz - Godspell] [G102]
Psalm 104 "O Bless the Lord My Soul"
[Schwartz - Godspell] [G103]
Psalm 105 "Give Thanks to Jehovah"
[Bunnell - Ventura Highway] [G104]
Psalm 106 "Hec Dies" (Passion 11) [G105]
September 11, 2021
The Opus Project presents Opus 91: Falling and Rising
Zoom Concert Everywhere!
(Complete Works, Volume 93)
(NM 1204, April 1, 2012)
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Triple Concerto ("Family"), Op. 201

OP. 201 TRIPLE CONCERTO ("FAMILY") (February 16, 2012)
For Bassoon, Contrabassoon, Harp, and Orchestra
I. Allegro
II. Largo
III. Rondo
April 14, 2012
Michael Garvey, Bassoon
Lori Garvey, Contrabassoon
Samantha Garvey, Harp
Mark Alburger, Piano
Fresh Voices XII
San Francisco Community Music Center Theatre,
San Francisco, CA
June 9, October 20, 2012
Michael Garvey, Bassoon
Lori Garvey, Contrabassoon
Samantha Garvey, Harp
San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra
Old First Presbyterian Church, San Francisco, CA
APOTHEOSIS OF THE CHANCE (Complete Works, Volume 92)
Saturday, January 28, 2012
The Decameron - First Day, Op. 200

OP. 200 THE DECAMERON - FIRST DAY (January 28, 2012)
100 Novels for Voices and Instruments
PROEM / FIRST DAY / Introduction
Novel I. Ser Ciappelletto Cheats a Holy Friar
Novel II. Abraham Sees the Depravity of the Clergy
Novel III. Melchizedek, with the Story of Three Rings,
Escapes a Perilous Snare Set by Saladin
Novel IV. A Monk, Lapsing into Sin,
Justly Censures the Same Fault in his Abbot,
and thus Escapes Penalty
Novel V. The Marchioness of Monferrato,
by a Banquet of Hens Seasoned with Wit,
Checks the Mad Passion of the King of France
Novel VI. A Worthy Man, by an Apt Saying,
Puts to Shame the Hypocrisy of a Friar Minor
Novel VII. Bergamino, with a Story of Primasso and the Abbot of Cluny,
Censures a Sudden Avarice in Messer Cane della Scala
Novel VIII. Guglielmo Borsiere, by a Neat Retort,
Sharply Censures Avarice in Messer Ermino de' Grimaldi
Novel IX. The Censure of a Gascon Lady Converts the King of Cyprus
from a Churlish to an Honorable Temper
Novel X. Master Alberto da Bologna Honourably Puts to Shame a Lady
Who Sought Occasion to Put Him to Shame in that
He Was in Love with Her
Fresh Voices XII: Not Shy and Retiring, April 14, 2014
Goat Hall Productions, Community Music Center,
San Francisco, CA
Fresh Voices XIII: Mischief and Mayhem, July 5-6, 2013
Goat Hall Productions, Community Music Center,
San Francisco, CA
THE DECAMERON (Complete Works, Volume 91)
New Music Publications and Recordings / Mus21stc - NM 1202)