(August 1, 1999)
for Voices and Orchestra
[or Pierrot Ensemble]
SCENE I - INTRODUCTION - "What you been doing?"
(Duet - God and Satan)
SCENE II - DIRGE - "We were plowing"
(Quartet - 4 Messengers / Solo - Job)
SCENE III - DOUBLE - "Where have you been?"
(Duet - God and Satan)
SCENE IV - CANON - "Curse God and die"
(Duet - Job and Job's Wife)
SCENE V - MOTET - "Place a curse"
(Aria - Job)
SCENE VI - DIALOGUE I - "Man is born to suffer"
(Sextet I)
SCENE VII - DIALOGUE II - "Empty words"
(Sextet II)
SCENE VIII - DIALOGUE III - "Is there someone"
(Sextet III)
SCENE IX - MONOLOGUE - "I am still young"
(Aria - Elihu)
SCENE X - WHIRLWIND - "Who are you"
(Arioso - Quintet - Arioso)
SCENE XI - EPILOGUE - "Lord blessed the last part"
June 17, 19, 2010
Fresh Voices X
God / Bildad the Shuhite - Nanette McGuinness
Satan / Zophar the Naamathite / Messenger IV - Crystal Philippi
Job - Marilyn Pratt
Job's Wife / Messenger III - Kate Bautch
Eliphaz the Temanite / Messenger II - Sarita Cannon
Elihu / Messenger I - Heather Klein
Director - Mark Alburger
Music Director - Martha Stoddard
Goat Hall Productions
Live Oak Theatre, Berkeley, CA
November 13, 2010
God / Bildad the Shuhite - Harriet March Page
Satan / Zophar the Naamathite / Messenger IV - Maria Mikheyenko
Job - Marilyn Pratt
Job's Wife / Messenger III - Kate Bautch
Eliphaz the Temanite / Messenger II - Suzanna Mizell
Elihu / Messenger I - Heather Klein
Director - Mark Alburger
Music Director - Martha Stoddard
Goat Hall Productions Pierrot Ensemble
Community Music Center, San Francisco, CA
December 1, 2017
Goat Hall 30th Anniversary Celebration
Harriet March Page, Mezzo-Soprano / Mark Alburger, Tenor
Frank Johnson, Piano
Community Music Center, San Francisco, CA
September 28, 2019
The Opus Project presents 79-80: Fate Knocking at the Floor
The Opus Project Chamber Orchestra
Diablo Valley College Music Building, Pleasant Hill, CA
Program Note:
Mark Alburger's JOB: A MASQUE is born to suffer in comparison with its troping sources, including Ralph Vaughan Williams's Job: A Masque for Dancing (which serves as overall framework) with sparks flying upwards into Alban Berg's Three Pieces for Orchestra and Wozzeck, George Crumb's Makrokosmos (Volume III: Music for a Summer Evening), Alburger's Animal Farm, and Benjamin Britten's War Requiem, plus related trials from Philip Glass and 60's rock.
Images / Music / Video:
Op. 79 JOB: A MASQUE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPHQGytjPRE&list=PL376F718839ABC13E&index=33
SCENE I - INTRODUCTION - "What you been doing?"

SCENE II - DIRGE - "We were plowing"

SCENE III - DOUBLE - "Where have you been?"

SCENE IV - CANON - "Curse God and die"

SCENE V - MOTET - "Place a curse"

SCENE VI - DIALOGUE I - "Man is born to suffer"

SCENE VII - DIALOGUE II - "Empty words"

VIII. DIALOGUE III - "Is There Someone"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j71SNCNE-n0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsTToBw5M3c

SCENE IX - MONOLOGUE - "I am still young"

SCENE X - WHIRLWIND - "Who are you"

SCENE XI - EPILOGUE - "Lord blessed the last part"