Op. 260 24 TONE PRELUDES (November 16, 2016)
Freely realized on the first 24 ordinal tone rows, after Claude Debusy's Preludes
I. Dances of the Devilettes
II. Veiled Sails
III. Plane Winds
IV. Sound Perfumes
V. The Foothills of Annapurna
VI. Snowstorm
VII. Westron Wynde
VIII. Brunette
IX. Serenadis Interruptus
X. Drowned
XI. A Midsummer Night's Dance
XII. Jive
XIII. Fools
XIV. Dead and Gone
XV. Havana Wine
XVI. Exquisite Dancing
XVII. Quiet Town
XVIII. Jive General
XIX. Moonlit Audience
XX. Oskar's Scherzo
XXI. U.S. Eccentric
XXII. Canupus Calm
XXIII. Fierce Alternatives
XXIV. Fourth of Fireworks