Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Acid Loops, Op. 195

(August 10, 2011)
For Sound Files
I. Ambient Cinematic
II. Bass
III. Final Pad
IV. Synth
V. India
VI. Indonesia
VII. Thailand
VIII. Turkey
IX. Get Media
X. Latin Guitar
XI. Latin Horns
XII. Latin Organ
XIII. Latin Piano
XIV. Arhythmia
XV. Bill Laswell Collection
XVI. Cinemascape
XVII. Funk Factory
XVIII. Not Just Another Pretty Bass
XIX. Sonic Excursions
XX. Rock Bass
XXI. Rock Guitar
XXII. Anamorphic Visors
XXIII. Ambient Grooves
XXIV. Ambient Realms
XXV. Bill Laswell
XXVI. Classic Country
XXVII. Cyclotronic Resonator
XXVIII. David Torn
XXIX. Dragon Dance
XXX. Essential Sounds
XXXI. Ethnicity
XXXII. Eurotechno
XXXIII. Fast Breaks
XXXIV. Futurist
XXXV. Intelligent Dance
XXXVI. Latin Percussion
XXXVII. Mac Money
XXXVIII. Marc Anderson
XXXIX. Methods of Mayhem
XL. Reggae
XLI. New York Dance
XLII. New York Dance Pro
XLIII. On the Jazz
XLIV. Opium
XLV. Orchestra
XLVI. Paul Black
XLVII. Psychedelic Guitar
XLVIII. Raked Cymbals
XLIX. Rangoon
L. Robert Rich
LI. Robin Storey
LII. Signals
LIII. Syntonic Generator
LIV. Twisted Reality
LV. Universal
LVI. Vince Andrews
LVII. Voices of Native America
LVIII. Vortexual Amplitude
LIX. Whiskey
LX. World



(Complete Works, Volume 87)
(NM 1108, August 20, 2011)