Saturday, October 1, 2016
The Decameron: Sixth Day, Op. 257
Op. 257 THE DECAMERON (October 1, 2016)
100 Novels for Voices and Instruments
SIXTH DAY / Introduction
Novel I. A knight offers to carry Madonna Oretta on horseback
with a story
Novel II. Cisti gives Messer Geri Spina to know that he has asked
that of him which he should not
Novel III. Monna Nonna de' Pulci silences the Bishop of Florence
Novel IV. Chichibio converts Currado Gianfigliazzi's wrath into
Novel V. Messer Forese da Rabatta and Master Giotto deride one
another's scurvy appearance
Novel VI. Michele Scalza proves to certain young men that the
Baronci are the best gentlemen in the world
Novel VII. Madonna Filippa, being found by her husband with her
lover, is cited before the court, and by a ready and jocund answer
acquits herself
Novel VIII. Fresco admonishes his niece not to look at herself in the
glass, if 'tis, as she says, grievous to her to see nasty folk
Novel IX. Guido Cavalcanti by a quip meetly rebukes certain
Florentine gentlemen who had taken him at a disadvantage
Novel X. Fra Cipolla promises to shew certain country-folk a
feather of the Angel Gabriel, in lieu of which he finds coals