Flattery, Avarice, Vileness, Variability, Envy, Laxity)
(February 22, 2018)
after Gervais de Bus's Roman de Fauvel
(Faus Vel - Falseness), 1314, Book I, Folio 1-2
I. Favellandi vicium et fex avarcie obtinet nunc
solium summumque locum curie
(Horse-Ass's fits and sex-greed now occupy
the seat of the Supreme Court
… 2-voice expanding isorhythmic motet)
II. Mundus a mundicia (This lying world…
2-voice Notre Dame conductus hybrid motet)
III. Quare fremuerunt (Why do the nations rage…
2-voice new conductus motet)
IV. Super cathedram Moysi latita sub ypocrisi /
Presidentes in thronis seculi sunt hodie dolus et parina /
(This modern world is hidden under a flock of hypocrisy /
Presiding over their seats in today's world, fraud and extortion /
Ruins… 3-voice motet)
V. Scariottis geiniture viperera /
Jure quod in opere /
Superne matris gaudia
(The scar of reproduction /
Right in the act /
The holy mother's joy
… 3-voice assassination commemoration motet)
VI. Heu, quo progreditur prevaricacio!
(Oh, how the progress of prevarication!
… monophonic conductus [in 14-voice canon])
VII. In mari miserie /
Manere (In the sea of misery /
Stay… 2[3]-voice motet)
VIII. Ad solitum vomitum / Regnat
(The usual vomit / Rules…
2-voice Latin motet, c. 1200)
IX. Nulla Pestis / Plange / Vergente
(No pest is worse than a familiar enemy / Weep / Verging)
XIV. Fauvel nous a fait
(Horse-Ass has made a gift)
XXXVI. Bon vin doit
(This song needs a drink)
May 5, 2018
Fast and the Furies
San Francisco Composers Chamber Orchestra
St. Mark's Lutheran Church, San Francisco